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My Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Shueisha. Published and licensed by Shonen Jump, Viz Media, and Funimation. PLEASE support the official release of this amazing story!!!



Sinking..I feel like I'm sinking.

It's dark..and I can't see where I am. It feels like I'm surrounded by water, but I can breathe just fine. What is this?

Ugh..I feel so tired.....yet so much pressure on my body. I just want it to stop. I want everything to stop.

I...I can't move at all. I'm just sinking......deeper and deeper into this abyss. I miss my mom.. Where is she? I could hear her. She was there, but then....then she wasn't. Everything is dark now. I only feel cold and empty. Why is that? What am I missing?

"You just need to let go." A familiar voice called out to me.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"You know who." It answered back.

Suddenly, I stopped sinking. The 'water' vanished and I felt solid ground.

The cold that dominated my body gave way to a warmth I wasn't used to.

Everything around me began to open up and come into view.

It was a room, but not a normal one.

It looked like there were giant screens surrounding me. All of them playing different aspects of my life so far.

I was mesmerized. Such was almost too perfect of a recollection.

"Impressed?" The voice asked.

"Y-Yea..but what is this?" I asked.

"We're inside your mind."

"My mind!!?"

"Yes. In here you can re-watch any event in your life so far. This is also where we can talk more directly."

"Umm..I'm not sure I understand. Are"

"In essence..yes."

Before I could say anything else, she materialized in front of me.

She looked sort of like me....but she had very distinct differences.

Her hair looked like it was wasn't very green anymore. Her skin was paler than mine and she had burn marks on her body..the most distinctive one was on her face. Speaking of her face....her eyes were so cold and distant...filled with hatred. Blood red....

"What h-happened to you?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"Society." She grinned slightly.


"Yes. This is what happens when you blindly believe that heroes will always save the day." She points to herself, "You get burned. I would say figuratively...buuuut that would be inaccurate."

I covered my mouth as I felt the sting of tears in my eyes.

"It seems you've caught on. I'm you, but..not the ideal you. I'm the real you. You can call me, Pandora."

"Pandora?" I repeated confused.

"Yes, the name I was given."

"Given? By who!??"

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