Chapter 18: My Secret Admirer

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"I saw her look to the right when she had no reason to. She wiped her hand almost reflexively, without realizing really what she was doing. There was nothing visible on the walls... She gave away the invisible ink quickly. Clearly she is working for someone else, otherwise she wouldn't have done all this. She may have put something in the book cases, but that could be behind the invisible ink she placed to mark off the spots she applied it to."

I proceeded to stick a slim flashdrive into the slot on the side of the computer and watching the screen turn deep green and appear with white text running across the screen vertically.

"Hey! What are you doing?" the guard yelled at me when he saw me begin to type over the white lines of text moving quickly up the screen. I was entering codes into the computer.

"I'm searching. This flashdrive has 100 GB of storage and can be used to enter code into certain models of computers, one of which is yours. I'm doing you a great favor right now; normally you'd have to hire someone paid by the hour to do this."

"Fine," the guard said, still watching me very carefully and discriminatorily.

That was when I found it, the text defining it in red. I clicked on it before it passed me by, knowing it was the correct code.

The girl took out a spray bottle, shook it, and began to spray an invisible solution on the walls of books.

"Gina, do you know who this is?" I asked the D.I.

"I don't recognize her at all."

The mysterious woman was forming letters, and after covering almost the entire wall in text, she knelt down next to one man's chair to steal his watch off the arm of the sofa and look around, and this is when the footage burst seems to have ended.

"I am now zooming in on her face," I said, pressing keys and watching her face come into focus. It was certainly not me; this was obvious when her face was seen up close.

The guard walked out of the small room almost immediately after seeing this.

"You're sure you don't recognize her, Gina?"

"I have never seen her before in my life."

"I would have assumed as much," I said, pulling my flashdrive out and replacing it in my pocket. The screen went back to normal immediately after, showing the Stranger's Room, where the majority of the members who had things stolen from them remained, and the sanctorium, where Lestrade's team was almost done setting up.

"We should meet them in there," I said, getting up. Lestrade ran out, and I left the security closet after she did.

In the sanctorium was Lestrade's team working with the blacklights. The following words appeared on the wall when the lights were all places where they should be:

A Gift from your SECRET ADMIRER!!!

Lestrade choked out a laugh. "So, Mycroft, what is that supposed to mean?" she asked me in only half-jest.

"I do not know," I told her. One woman from her team began to take pictures of it from all angles, and another man turned on a sensor gun to test under the paint for explosives. Immediately after it went on, it beeped and showed on its screen that the book case was loaded with explosives, under each letter of the message.

"I see now why she needed those markers," I stated sarcastically.

"Invisible ink, explosive when dry. How lovely," Gina said. "It's a miracle no one pulled out one of the books and set it all off. Get poison control in here, and call the bomb squad if they're not too busy," she told the man, who ran out of the Club to one of the police cars.

"Hey, Mycroft," Gina yelled to me as I walked back out of the Stranger's Room. "Do you happen to have a psychotic murderer boyfriend or something?"

"I do have a boyfriend, but I'm positive he's not a psychotic murderer."

"What about a psychotic thief?"

"This conversation has nothing to do with the matter at hand."

"Right you are, Holmes. How about deducing what this message means?"

"I feel as though it's relatively self-explanatory."

"Yeah, but there's got to be some ulterior meaning somewhere in there."

"Maybe. A gift from my secret admirer. He must know I took on the Saylor case, and he's giving me another murder to solve. He thinks I like solving crimes, as Sherlock does. But he wouldn't know Sherlock; she wasn't involved in the last case at all, she's not even in many of the declassified New Scotland Yard files; just me. Also, he did this on the floor of the Diogenes. If he wanted to get to her, he would not have done it here. This is where he'd get to me, and me alone."

"The New Scotland Yard files... He may have hacked into the classified files by now. But you were saying; a murder? You think there's been another killing?"

"Why not? It's clearly the same person doing both. Why wouldn't he murder someone else?"

"The girl. What was her purpose, then?"

That's when it hit me; then, not before. The girl was a distraction. While Lestrade, her team, and I were fumbling around with blacklights and code-breaking, this man was murdering another Senior.

"Go back to the Stranger's Room, now!"

Lestrade did not question me. She ran over to the room, threw open the door, and found Barnett on the floor. His face was blue; I deduced that the murderer's female assistant must have asphyxiated him; no, poisoned him with strychnine places in the tea sitting on his side table by the murderess. I called a few members of the squad that Lestrade had called to clean up the sanctorium, who proceeded to run into the room and assess the situation quickly. One left almost immediately after to get first aid equipment, and returned with First Aid and CPR equipment.

"How did you know?" Lestrade asked me.

"I didn't. I just assumed. Strychnine is a poison used often in literature, not real life... But this murderer is different than I'd originally thought. He uses symbolism. He's getting more daring. He is evolving, as it would seem..."

*210 reads!!! Thank you all so much for reading and sticking with me and please continue to vote and please comment if you'd like :) you are literally so awesome it's unbelievable!!!

We are nowhere near done so if you like this, you'll be seeing more from it! And if you think anyone would like it, let them know! (There's got to be other people in the world who like book recs as much as I do)

My previous goal was 200 reads so thank you to all the Sherlockians (or I guess Mycroftians in this case) who are enjoying this and helping me achieve my goals! :) As always, you are amazing and thanks again for reading!*

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