Chapter 10: Emergency Calls Only

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*Here is my regular update for the day! A more mild preview of what's to come with regards to the mischief, mayhem, and maybe even murder in the future. And as always, thanks for reading :)

One night, I received a very alarming phone call from Gina Lestrade. She told me to come to New Scotland Yard immediately.

When I arrived, the security guard seemed to think I was a threat to the safety of Great Britain. I realize that I walked into a government facility at nine o'clock at night clamoring to see a detective inspector, but I thought he would have known who I was from my previous excursions to Lestrade's office. He was about to take me into a little white room for questioning when Lestrade saved me. She ran down the grand staircase and into the deserted lobby.

"Wait! She's with me!" Lestrade yelled.

"She's with you?" the guard confirmed.

"Yes, she's Mycroft Holmes. I can vouch for her, if you'd like." Lestrade shouted at the guard.

"Oh, yes... I apologize, Ms. Holmes," the guard replied with genuine embarrassment to us. He released me, and I walked through the security gates.

"So let me fill you in on what's going on..." Lestrade trailed off as we walked up the staircase in the center of the lobby and entered the elevator. There was no one else in the lobby, so I was not surprised when even on Lestrade's normally busy floor; there were no people in any of the cubicles.

"Why did you need one of us so badly, anyway?"

"Well, I decided to leave it up to fate to see which one of you would come, but it's not actually a case. It's about you; I mean you, Mycroft Holmes, and your personal safety."

That was not what I expected to hear. I can honestly say that I have not been caught off guard as many times in my entire life as I was throughout the time I lived with Sherlock. We entered Lestrade's office, and Lestrade pulled up a chair next to hers behind her desk. She turned on her computers and allowed me access to her software.

"Well, I do not leave that sort of thing to fate. Oh, no," I suddenly exclaimed, slapping the table. "Did Sherlock give out all my personal information to an online scam or something? She's done it before, and-"

"No, Mycroft. There is someone using our network that shouldn't be on it. Whoever it is hacked into the system and is looking through all of the Scotland Yard files that include your name in them. Only ones with your name in them. It is so odd because we can't even trace the computer using our most secure servers."

"Well, I can only hope it's Sherlock testing out the confidentiality of my information again. We ran a test a few months ago to see how easy or difficult it was to steal my identity, and it's not easy at all. Honestly, even I don't know where all my money and accounts are."

"I don't think this person wants money, Mycroft. Whoever it is, he is looking at pieces of your information that have nothing to do with your monetary status. He's looking into the information that has to do mostly with your involvement in the Diogenes Club, your professional status, and your cases. They want you, not your money."

"I'm flattered," I stated, getting up from my chair and moving to the center of the office. "If this person doesn't want my money, I can't say that I care. What, do you think I work for the government and that if my information gets out I'll die? I'm a bookkeeper for my sister's detective business, Gina. I think I'll find a way to pull through."

Just then, my phone buzzed and vibrated in my bag. I opened it up over Lestrade's desk and pulled out my coin purse, my lipstick, and other items to retrieve the device that I had buried at the very bottom of my bag. There was a text from Sherlock that I felt I had to read.

"Give me a second, Lestrade," I said to my friend as I walked into the main room of the floor.

Everything ok? Dinner with Stamford not so awful after all.

Someone's stealing my identity. But they won't really get anywhere. Like you said, it'd take years for them to get absolutely everything. How long for the basics?

There was a little pause. She was thinking.

Umm... Maybe nine months to a year? You, Mycroft, are much more secretive than most, so I think you'll be okay. I think I've got a bit to worry about, though. It would take about a week to get my basics...

What?! Sherlock, that's absurd! You have to protect your information better! You're a consulting detective, for God's sake!!!!
-Your EXTREMELY worried sister

Relax, Mycroft. I don't think I'll be dead because of it...

I burst back through the doors of Lestrade's office. "Is there anything on Sherlock in your databases?"

"Much more on her than on you. I guess that's good for you, but bad for her."

"Fine, I think I need to get going now," I finished. "See you soon, I hope," I told Gina.

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