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"It's ok sweetie, it's ok. C'mon in, here's a fire." She snuggled closer to me. Soon she fell asleep, I picket her up, with the help of Vesper, I put her onto the bed in the smaller room, where Nico and Bianca were. Leo was sleeping in the tiny room next to ours. I heard some crashes from outside, I heard Luke run to the window.

"Rich kids" He said...

Percy's pov:

"Rich kids" Luke said,

"Great. Now the next thing we know, they hang out on the streets at night." Thalia said from the doorway, there was music from outside, 'Leave my heart out of this' I think... (music above, if interested)

"We should go down, obviously the other gang will want to pick on them. They may be opposite, but that gang is beyond it." Luke said, calmly. We ran off outside, with Jason on our tales.

"Vesper!" I shouted, not so loudly, I heard her run to me. I took out the leash and felt her put her self in position. Everything while running. We were downstairs, just in time, to see Ajax and his gang circle the rich kids. I have very blurry vision, so I need Vesper to go somewhere, but I can still kinda see my surrounding in a abstract, color blurry sight.

Anyways, they were surrounding the rich kids, taking out knives, sticks and so on. Threats.

"Annabeth..." Thalia whispered, enough loudly for me to hear. Thalia used to be friends with her when she was in school, before becoming homeless. They grew apart after Annabeth chose other rich kids to be friends with... Thalia really did feel betrayed after that. At least I assume some from how she speaks about that topic.

"Ajax, leave them alone." Luke growled as Jason, Thalia and I got out of behind the bushes. Vesper too. Vesper was growling, showing her teeth in a aggressive way.

Thalia's pov:

"Ajax, leave them alone." Luke growled as the rest of us got out of our hiding spots. Vesper was growling, and I nearly laughed my head off when I saw his panicked look. Too bad he soon recovered.

"Well hello, Luke. Long time, no see. I missed you!" I rolled my eyes,

"Hmm. Me too." Luke said, in a casual voice, while taking out his knife and twirling it in his fingers. Luke has always been Jason's role model. Jason was smiling a little. The rich kids looked horrified, like scared sheep. They didn't move an inch, just watched wide eyed. Annabeth was there, standing and paling. Ugh, I can't believe I was friends with such scared weaklings.

We all took Luke's words as a code to arm ourselves. I took out my hunting knives,

 I took out my hunting knives,

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Jason took out his sharp wire,

Percy had his guns out, which he usually used as a dagger, 2 of them,

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Percy had his guns out, which he usually used as a dagger, 2 of them,

Percy had his guns out, which he usually used as a dagger, 2 of them,

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They looked at us, there were 6 of them. More than us, Ajax snapped his fingers and the gang unsheathed their weapons. Percy shot his gun at Ajax, bullseye on the upper part of the hand. He cried in pain, as he scrambled away. One of his teammates threw a knife at the cinnamon haired rich girl, it caught into her side, she cried in pain and fell on the floor. Wow. Even Leo wouldn't fall because of that, then again, we all have had at least one knife thrown at us...

We sheathed our weapons as we watched them all run off, but not before Ajax shouted,

"You won't get away with this!" That nerve. Vesper sniffed and growled at the rich kids as she led Percy to our home.

"C'mon with us. We can help." Luke said as he turned around and walked into the warehouse. Jason and I followed. Annabeth and her friends followed us, not knowing what to do. We walked into our main room,

"Ugh, what's the smell?" Annabeth asked, I glared at her,

"Quit it rich girl, want the help or not?" I said coldly,

"Thalia? Since when have you been so...cold to me?" She asked hesitantly. I sneered,

"Since the time you chose them over me, and the time you talked so badly about us. Homeless." I said in disgust.

"Percy?" I heard a sweet voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Hazel rubbing her eyes, "who are they? Are they rich people?" She asked, saying 'they' and 'rich people' in pure disgust. Percy stretched his arms out,

"Yes, they're the rich. They need help." He said, as Hazel smiled sweetly and ran to him. She kissed him on the cheek.

"Whatcha doing out of bed, Gem?" Luke asked. As I watched Percy ruffle her curly hair.

"I couldn't sleep not knowing what happened in the book." She said,

"Guardians of Ga'hoole?" I asked gently, she nodded, rubbing her eyes again. I chuckled. Percy just ruffled her hair and said,

"Time to go to bed, Gem" he led her to her room. I looked at the rich kids, Luke was finishing with the wound from the cinnamon girl, the rich kids were looking in surprise at Hazel,

"What? Will you introduce yourselves?" I asked harshly, as Percy walked in. Annabeth looked taken back,

"I'm Piper McLean." Said Cinnamon girl,

"Frank Zhang" Chinese boy,

"Annabeth Chase, but you know that" Said Annabeth.

"Connor and Travis Stoll." The twins said.

"Katie Gardner." Said the blonde in a green dress.

"Calypso," said the orange-brown haired girl, in a white dress.

I nodded, those guys are trouble. Percy smiled.

"Want anything to eat or drink? You should stay here for the night, it's not safe in the night in these territories." He said, calmly.

"Uh, what do you drink? Saliva?" Said Piper, Calypso giggled.

"No." Said Luke forcefully, "don't talk to him like that, moneybags." I smirked, Percy looked genuinely upset. I went to him and put a comforting hand around him.

"Fine, just sleep through the night, you'll leave first thing in the morning." Said Percy in a emotionless voice. We left and went to sleep.

I was laying between Percy and Luke, staring at the celeing.

"Have we done the right choice, bringing the rich kids here?" I thought to myself...

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