Chapter 34: Off With Your Head!

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HYDRA's new ally deserves a high five.

In the face.

With a boulder.

To Asguard.

You get the general picture that I don't like him, right?

"It is I, your most powerful enemy—"

And he's a drama queen too, yay.....

I cough extremely loudly to cut off the man. "Yeah uh pal, I rate your entrance about a 2 out of 10 because there really is no originality involved. Not to mention the overestimation of your own abilities. You have not received a high enough score to progress to the final round, so you'll be going home. Ciao!"

The entire room falls silent, the man – I think it is a man – simply standing there, probably gawking at me behind the mask.

I lean towards his direction, loudly whispering with a hand cupped over one side of my face "That means good bye in Italian."

A furious scowl can be heard. "You foolish, insignificant—"

I click my tongue. "Really not that foolish, or insignificant, much to my displeasure...."

His leather gloved hands clench in a similar way to Sam's. "You dare speak to me like that? Me? V—"

I sigh loudly, completely bored and wanting to drag Steve back down stairs to lie down again. So instead, I make fun of him. "You dare speak to me like that? The great and powerful Victor Von Doom!? I am above you, you worthless, foolish, insignificant scum. Why so serious? I am a God you dull creature! Long live the king! You poor, simple fools, thinking you could defeat me? Name's Hades, Lord of the dead. Hi, how you doin?  Yada yada yada. Any more famous Disney villain quotes or villain quotes in general you guys can think of?"

The entire two teams of super heroes stare at me blankly, not surprised at how I am acting. They're probably used to it by now.

Sam's hand shoots up like Hermione off Harry Potter. "Oh! I know! I know!" He clears his throat and attempts to act manly. Key word: attempts. "I'll get you for this Pan, if it's the last thing I do!"

I clap. "That's a good one!"

Colton's shy hand goes up next. "What about; I warn you child. If I lose my temper you lose your head. Understand!?"

As if the three of us share an instinct or understanding, we all simultaneously shout "Off with your head!"

Victor turns his head to Reed. "This is the daughter of Loki?"

Reed visibly cringes. "She's not always like this.... Just Weekdays and Saturdays."

I can practically feel Von Doom's raised eyebrow. "Why not Sundays?"

Ben speaks up first. "That's her day off."

Then Victor's mood swings like a flipped switch, growling and inducing the lights and technology all around us to flicker, Stark reluctant to even call for his suit. "You not only mock me, but steal my son away from me as well!?!?"

Hold the phone.

I blink. "What?"

Victor's masked metal face focuses on Sam, his tone turning slightly lighter as he announces "Sam.... I am your father."

I groan. "How did we miss that villain quote?"

When I turn to Sam, he has all but frozen in petrification. Taking a couple tentative steps towards him, I join Colton in placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sam?" No answer. My smile wavering, I inquire "Sam? He's kidding, right?"

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