I'm Sorry

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"Ow! Sokka!" A thirteen year old prince glares at the water tribe boy who looks around innocently while the fire princess snickers behind him. "What? I didn't do anything," Sokka said. "Water doesn't turn to ice on it's own," Zuko glares at him adjusting his armour. "Yes it does Zuzu that's how ice works," Azula giggles at him.

Zuko was Sokka's best friend, but Azula was a close second. The three of them had grown up together in the past three years as close friends with Sokka almost always helping their fights and though she will never admit it Azula liked having Sokka around because he didn't scold her when she played pranks and tricks on Zuko and even participated in them. Sokka loved Azula like he loved Katara that sometimes when he thought of her he saw Azula instead, but Katara's eyes were always something he remembered.

"Your both jerks! I'm going to the war meeting and I better not find anymore ice," Zuko said before storming offs huffing. "Hey Zula," Sokka taps his heel and a small rock pops up and Zuko trips on it crashing into the turtle duck pond. Azula out right laughs at him and Sokka does too.

"Why you!" Zuko got up to fight, but Sokka and Azula had taken off running before he could catch them.

They got to Azula's room and they both laughed at what they had done. "Oh that was fun," Azula said wiping a tear from her eye. "Yeah, too bad I got to go back to class," Sokka pouts. Azula raises a eyebrow at him suspiciously. " What class? You and Zuko just had sword practice and we don't have training for another hour," Azula said.

"Well since I still can't fire bend and Fire lord Ozai is getting impatient with me I asked for extra time with the teach," Sokka explains to her. It was true, while he could barely water bend or earth bend he had never summoned anything more than smoke despite everything he's attempted in mastering it.

"Well maybe if you paid attention like me you would," Azula taunts. "Well maybe if we didn't have a traditional sage teacher older than the war itself than I would," Sokka counters with a smirk before leaving her to her own devices.

Sokka takes several hallways before he came to his room. Once inside he checks every corner and found no sign of a spy watching him so he got out his supplies. In it Sokka had a change of clothes for colder weather, some dry food that should last a few days, two weeks at most, maps, and his trusted boomerang. Sokka has never parted with it for long and he has never shown it too anyone, not even Zuko.

Sokka knows what he's planning to do is going to hurt the royal siblings, and it will hurt him too, but he needs to do this for the world. So no one else needs to suffer. He hasn't left the palace grounds in years, but he knows people out there are suffering, Lu ten is dead, Ursa gone, his village could be in ruins, his family could be dead, the air nomads gone, and he's going to stop anything else being added to the list.

Sokka gets out two parchments of paper and began writing on one of them, once done that he writes in the next one then seals them with ribbon.

He took a deep breath, but was startled by a knock on his door. "Yes come in!" He said throwing his things under the desk. To his surprise General Iroh came in and Sokka bows to his elder. "General Iroh," he bows. "Avatar Sokka," Sokka still grimaces when he hears that he doesn't feel like he's earned that title.

"I have come to inform you that your classes today have been canceled," Sokka looks at him in surprise. "What? Why?" Sokka asks. "Prince Zuko spoke out in a war meeting against a general and is going to preform in a Agni Kai at sunset," Iroh explains. "Well he'll win, he may not know it, but he's a winner," Sokka said unworried.

Iroh does not respond and instead pulls out a sword scabbard. "What's that?" Sokka asks. "Your teacher Piando sent this for you. It's made from a meter that crashed near his estate," Sokka was handed the weapon and his eyes lit up seeing the awesome sword. "Cool! Space sword!" Sokka hugs Iroh with a bright smile. "Thanks General Iroh," he smiles.

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