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Sokka laughs when he finally managed to hit Katara with a Snowball. "Take that Rara!" Sokka laughs at his eight year old sister. "I'm gonna get you for that Sokka," Katara yells at him in her playful child ways.

She uses her water bending and made a snowball so large it was bigger than her head. "No fair your a bender!" Sokka yelled and ran from his sister with the giant snowball. They laughed as they ran around their small snow Fort and villagers watched them smiling. Sokka and Katara were the oldest children in the village by a few years since most died in still birth or infection due to their lack of medical supplies. The two children were truly miracles to the tribe bender or non bender.

Finally Sokka tripped on a piece of ice and fell over. Before he could get up Katara threw the giant snowball on him burying the ten year old in a pile of snow. "Ha! I win!" Katara cheers standing over Sokka triumphantly while Sokka over dramatically complains about the snow that got in his parka. "Benders always win!" Katara states smugly as Sokka got up. "No! You need to be smart. If your not smart you don't win anything," Sokka said sticking his tongue out at her. "Oh yeah? Well take," Katara began when she noticed something.

Around her snow was falling, but it was black. Everyone else in the village paused and looked up at it in horror.

"I'm going to find mom," Katara said scared as she ran to their home, but Sokk ran the other way, the direction the warriors were heading. He knew there was going to be a fight and he wanted to join in and fight with his dad, who cares he only turned ten last month?

"Sokka!" Sokka was stopped and turned around by Bato his father's best friend. "Go back!" He orders the young boy sternly. "But I want to fight with you and dad!" Sokka said. Bato's eyes were scared and he looked ahead to see the approaching soldiers. "No you go to your mother! You need to protect her and your sister go protect your family like a real man," Bato told him.

Sokka looked at him then took out his boomerang. "Okay I'll protect them from the mean firebenders," Sokka proclaims running to his hut to the relief of Bato. The man turns and yelled a battle cry as he took up arms. Sokka ran to his hut past all the fighting, he even ran past Katara who was running to the battle, but in the blur of it all he didn't see her.

He ran into his igloo to see a man standing over his mother with her neck in his hand. "Hey! Let my mummy go!" Sokka ran at the man who doesn't even look at him as he just throws the boy to the ground. "SOKKA!" Kya struggles trying to get to her boy. "I'd go boy, I wouldn't want you to see your mother die," he squeezes her neck and Kya makes a gurgling sound as he jokes her.

"No!" Sokka screams his fists shaking. "Let my mother go!" He yells. The room starts shaking and the soldier drops Kya turning to Sokka who was shaking in anger like the igloo. "So your the last water bender," the captain muses and smirks. "No difference," he said and shot a scream of fire, but Sokka held his arms out and blocked it. "What?" The captain said in shock as the woman on the ground weakly got up holding her throat.

"No one hurts my mother!" Sokka screams his voice louder like millions of others are talking at once. His eyes lit up in a bright glow and he stamps his foot a nearby stone vase shattering and the shards shooting at the man. The captain narrowly dodges them with one of them cutting his face. Sokka then ran in front of his mother and shot his arms out in front of him and fire came from his hands blowing the igloo up as the captain screams narrowly making a shield for himself.

The entire village saw the outburst of fire as Sokka's eyes stopped glowing and he fell to the floor in his mother's arms tiredly. "Did I saved you mummy?" He asks. Kya cries nodding knowing who her son really was. "Of course, Avatar Sokka," she said her voice a hoarse whisper. Her son closed his eyes tired from his outburst, but the moment was ruined when Sokka was taken from her arms.

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