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(Same day as last chapter)
☠︎︎Jaden's POV☠︎︎

(Same day as last chapter)☠︎︎Jaden's POV☠︎︎

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I go out of bed and threw on some sweats and headed downstairs for breakfest.
When I got to the kitchen Charli and Addison were making food.

Jaden-"Hey, what are you guys making" I ask running my fingers through my hair

Charli-"We are making everyone pancakes" she looks at me and smiles then continues working

Addison-"We are also doing bacon and eggs" she says not looking up from the pan with sizzling bacon

Jaden-"Alright, is anyone else up?"

Charli-"Yea. Mads and Dixie went out to get juice. Bryce and Josh were training earlier. I think everyone else is still asleep"

Jaden-"Okay, I'll go wake the rest of the boys" I turn on my heel and head back upstairs to wake the rest if the guys. I started off at Anthony's, then made my way over to Quinton's, then lastly Griffin's room. Once I finished waking up the guys I hear the front door open.

Dixie-"We are back!!"


Everyone gets downstairs to the dining room. We all eat the pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

Bryce-"Char, these are really good pancakes"

Anthony-"Yea and Addi good bacon"

Addison-"Well you cant go wrong with bacon"


After we finished eating we all sat in the living room and watched a movie.
While watching the movie there was a knock at the door. We all look at each other and I get up and walk to the door.

I open the door and see my dad standing there.

Jaden-"Uhh Hey dad?"I say nervously

JD-Jaden's Dad

JD-"Where are they son?" He looks me dead in the eyes

Jaden-"Where is what?" I ask him

He pushes past me into the house. He goes straight to the living room where everyone is. I follow behind him after I close the door.

The Mafia Boy-Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now