Algerian revolt

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Algerian Empire pov
I changed my name as Vietnamese Empire told me too with them threatening to leave the revolt I caused... I quickly began a to send more troops to take down Algeria while the rest of my troops hold the borders of nearby French colonies and Brtish colonies.... I smirked as more and more Vietnamese pact forces arrived to aid me in this revolt as I used the new tanks along with air superiority 8 years of war in Algeria ended as the French were forced to allowed me to annex Niger, Libya and Tunisa.... I smirked as I began to stabilize my lands as I began to industrialize my nation with Vietnamese support... I smirked as my military was growing strong along with my growing economy.... I smirked as I was slowly growing to become an economic powerhouse and a military power... I also set up two nuclear facilities as I cleared some of my land so I can use it for nuclear testing with the Vietnamese doing the same with some small island they managed to take over under the radar with no one noticing the island being under Vietnamese control.... I smirked as nukes would make us on par with Nato and the Warsaw pact....

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