The creation of Commnarchism

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Vietnamese Empire pov
Me and my puppets decided to leave the Warsaw pact.... We would follow a communist monarch with us controlling who is king with a parliament and us ourselves picking the king like a President with them losing or passing the crown down is the publics choice and it isn't bribable as the King has to sign in a sheet and pick the money then put the exact amount on the sheet to prevent the king or queen from trying to bribe their dynasty into staying....PS: There are people set to assassinate the parliament if the countryhuman thinks they aren't fit for the job.. They all agreed with Mexico getting a descendent of their first king and we all changed our names to our country name with the word Empire after with me creating a new faction with them known as the Vietnamese pact.... I smiled then continued to help the independence wars more to keep them around or to win them so they can join my faction.... I smirked as the Cold war just became a 3 sided cold War....

Soviet Union pov
I was angry as a huge chunk of my members left with a third faction joining the cold War under the ideology Commnarchism which is a weird name.... Nato and the Warsaw pact signed pacts as well all began to turn on the Vietnamese pact so I can keep them under my control.....

USA pov
Really!? A third faction they are just like humanity they quickly reproduce or add on to an event and I guess this is the amazing twist with Commnarchism.... I signed peace with Warsaw pact as we focused on making plans to end this faction before they get to powerful with the Soviet Union thinking the same thing as we knew that even if we did embargo them but it never mattered as due to the fact that all of the Vietnamese trading partners are in her faction....

( Yes the Vietnamese Empire is a she this will be useful later on..... I think I may change my mind but I will tell you if I do )

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