Chapter 42. S

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For the past three weeks, I've been working from home. That first week I took a leave of absence. But for three weeks after that, I've only been out of the house for meetings. When usually they'd come to my office, this time I went to them.

I haven't been to my apartment in a month either. Antonio had brought me more of my clothes, so I didn't have to make the trip myself.

He's also been spending every possible second with me. Even when he's working, he keeps checking up on me, calling and texting and coming up.

He's literally perfect. Like an angel sent from heaven. He always is careful with me, not initiating sex or even a simple kiss. He would lean in, but I would be the one to actually connect our lips. We are having sex. But it isn't as rough and fast as usual and more slow and loving. He takes his time with me. kissing literally every inch of my body. And afterwards, I would fall asleep while he's massaging my scalp. That hasn't changed.

But I don't want him to always think twice before he wants to kiss me. I don't want him to slow down after a few involuntarily harsh thrusts of his hips. I'm not fragile.

In a twisted way, I got lucky. It could've been so much worse. I was still clothed by the time Antonio found me.

Izzy also has been calling and visiting more frequently. She'd act like normal, but I still can feel her watching me when I'm looking away. As if I'd suddenly crumble.

But it's been a month. And I've made peace with it. Statistics say that over 40 percent of females in the US encounter some form of sexual assault/harassment. And now I'm part of that percentage.

I don't want people to treat me differently. I'm still me. I'm still the same person I was. If not, I'm even stronger now.

Izzy has postponed her house warming party just for me. She said her catering didn't come through, but I knew better. It was supposed to be on Friday, the same week that incident happened to me. And now it's been pushed back by almost an entire month.

When she wanted to postpone it even further, seeing as I wasn't really leaving home unless it's for work, I told her no. She deserves to have her housewarming party. I don't want to be more of a nuisance and make her delay her party further.

Her and Luca have been really great to me, too. Constantly checking up on me, coming here to spend time with me, so I can stay here—in the condo or down on the main floor.

Honestly, there isn't a reason why I don't feel like leaving the apartment. I already didn't go out much, and now that there isn't a reason for me to go out, not even work, I just stay in my comfy clothes and do work in my bed, or on the balcony. Even in the bathtub one time—which Anton disapproved of, because he thought I'd electrocute myself with my laptop charger.

But now it's time to do something that isn't work related. Izzy and Luca are finally having their little party.

Back before everything happened, Izzy had asked me if she can invite Alex, seeing as he's her and Luca's friend still. She wanted to know if it'd be awkward for me. I told her no, she can invite whoever she wants. They kept in touch with him for the past year. Our breakup had nothing to do with the fact that they drifted apart a little. It was the fact that he moved to the other side of the country and became popular.

He hasn't crossed my mind. Only when Izzy asked again a week ago. Again, I told her to invite him.

I can't lie and say I'm not a tiny bit nervous to see him. Even though our breakup was mostly a mutual decision, it's still weird to see your ex after so long.

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