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(Madilyn's outfit)

(Madilyn's POV)Me and Ben sat in a carriage going to the place the coronation was taking place

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(Madilyn's POV)
Me and Ben sat in a carriage going to the place the coronation was taking place.
"Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and be beautiful. No problem there" Ben said smiling at me
"Thank you" I smiled
"Madi, will you wear my ring?" He asked
"Um not right now. I think it would probably just fall off of me" I said and he nodded "oh I made something for you" I said talking about the anti-love potion cupcake.
"For me?" he asked
"Yeah. It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy" I said giving him the box with the cupcake in it.
"Always thinking. But I can't wait" he said eating the mini cupcake
"No!" I tried saying but already ate it
"This is really good" he said
"Uh do you..." I started
"Do you feel okay?" I asked nervously
"You bet" he said smiling
"Would you say that you're still in...that you still have very strong feelings for me?" I asked
"I'm not sure. I mean let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect" he said
"Okay" I said and I saw him smiled from the corner of my eyes before I realized what he said "you knew?" I asked him
"That you spelled me? Yeah, I knew" he said
"I'm...I can explain myself" I started
"No, look, it's fine. You had a crush on me. I was dating Audrey. You didn't think it could happen on its own" Ben said
"Yes. You're so right. So then, how long have you known?" I asked
"Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the enchanted lake" he said
"So then what? You've just been...faking it since then?" I asked trying to hide my sadness
"I haven't been faking anything" he said putting his ring on me and looking up at me.
We stepped out of the carriage and walked over to Ben's parents.
"About the other day, I-" I started to say
"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy" Adam said
"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy" Ben said
"I did? very wise of me" Adam said
"Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart" Belle said
"Thanks mom" Ben smiled
"You're going to make a fine king" Adam said
"Wish me luck" Ben said before me and his parents walked in from a different way. He walked into the doors and we all bowed when he walked by. He walked over to FG and kneeled down.
"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" FG said to Ben. She held the wand in her hands and I was looking at it the whole time
"I do solemnly swear" Ben said
"Then it is my honor and my blessing to bless our new king-" FG started before the wand was snatched out of her hand. Jane had stolen the wand and was pointing it upwards as the whole place shook.
"Child, what are you doing?" FG said
"If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Jane said
"Take cover!" Adam yelled. I ran over and fought Jane for the wand
"Careful Madilyn!" Belle said I grabbed the wand as Jane backed up into the crowd.
"Madi give me the wand" Ben said
"Stand back!" I yelled
"It's okay" Ben said getting closer
"Ben, I said stand back!!" I yelled as the other four VK's ran over to me
"I told you so!" Audrey started before I turned to her and pointed the wand at her
"Let's go!" Carlos said
"Revenge time" Jay said
"You really want to do this?" Ben said
"We have no choice. Their parents" I said knowing that my dad wouldn't care if I got the wand or not.
"All of your parents made their choice. Now you make yours" Ben said
"I think I think I want to be good" I said
"You are good" Ben stated
"How do you know that?!" I yelled. Even though my dad wasn't a villain I still was raised on the Isle.
"Because...because I'm listening to my heart" Ben said
"I wanna listen to my heart too. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents. I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with team makes you happy" I said to Jay "and you, scratching Dudes belly makes you happy who would've thought" I said to Carlos "and Evie you do not need to act dumb to get a boy you are so smart" I said to Evie "and Mal being like your mom doesn't make you happy. School and art makes you happy" I said to Mal "I don't wanna take over the world with evil, it doesn't make me happy. I wanna go to school. And be with Ben" I said turning to Ben "cause Ben makes me really happy" I said before I turned back to the other four "us being friends makes me happy. Not destroying things. I choose good you guys" I said putting my fist in front of me to see if the others would join
"I choose good too" Jay said putting his fist in
"I choose good" Evie said
"Yeah I choose good" Mal said putting her fist in
"So just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how mad our parents are gonna be. Because they're going to be really really mad" Carlos said
"Your parents can't reach you here" Ben said
"Okay, then. Good" Carlos said putting his fist in.
"Come on" I said to Ben before he walked over to us. Suddenly the building shook and black smoke came in.
"I'm back!!!" Maleficent said as she stood in front of us
"Go away mother" Mal said
"She's funny. Oh. I'm're very funny. Now Hatter wand me chop chop" she said. I was about to toss the wand
"No!" Someone said before I tossed it to FG
"Bibbidi-bobbidi-" FG started
"Boo" Maleficent said imitating her voice before everyone but me and the other four VK's froze. "Psych" she finished " ooh. In another time in another time. Evil like me don't you know wanna be mean... oh!" She started as she took the wand out of the frozen Fairy Godmothers hands. "Oh no. Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs" she laughed"where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start with getting rid of this!" She said pointing the wand at me as Ben's ring flew off my finger and onto the wand "perfect fit! Oh excuse me. Pardon me. The horns the horns! Aw...falling in love is weak...and ridiculous, it's not what you want" she said
"How do you know what I want" I said
"Mom, have you or any other of the villains ever asked what we wanted. I'm not you" Mal said
"Well obviously. I've had years and years and years and...years of practice being evil. You'll get there" Maleficent said
"No I will not. I really wish you hadn't gotten there yourself" Mal said
"Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing" I said looking over at Ben.
"I know one thing lady you have no room for love in your life" Maleficent said
"And now I command wand to my hand!" Mal said holding her hand out as the wand zoomed to her "Ha! It worked!" She said surprised
"I hardly think so. Frankly this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand give me the wand!" Maleficent said
"Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful then evil" Carlos said
"Oh please! You're killing me! Arf!" Maleficent said before Dude ran over jumping on her. She struggled before getting the dog off of her. Jay ran over trying to grab Maleficents scepter "Gaston should be jealous" she said flicking Jay sending him flying "enough! You all will regret this!" She said before turning into a dragon. We all ran from her before Evie got her mirror out
"Magic mirror shine a bright light!" She said shoving the mirror in the dragons face
"Behind me E!" Mal said "leave my friends alone! This is between you and me mother. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one.  The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one.  The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one" Mal said before the dragon turned into a tiny lizard
"What just happened?" I asked
"I have no idea" Mal said
"Did you do it?" Evie asked
"I don't know" Mal answered
"No no no. Your mother did it. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart which is why it's so itty-bitty" the now unfrozen fairy godmother said
"Will she be like forever?" Mal Asked
"Forever is a long time. You learned to love, so can she" fairy godmother told her
"I believe this belongs to you" Mal said handing FG her wand
"And I believe this" FG said sliding Ben's ring off the wand "belongs to you" she held it out for me before I took it and put it on my finger "you have all earned an 'a' in goodness class" she said and we laughed "Bibbidi bobbidi boo!!" She waved her wand and everyone that was frozen unfroze. Ben roared loudly running towards us before I stopped him.
"Woah okay okay! We've kinda rapped this up here" I said. He picked me up and spun around before setting me down on the ground
"Next time I rescue you okay?" He smiled at me
"Yeah let's not let there be a next time" I said hitting him in the chest. I look over and see Mal talking to FG and Jane.
"Let's get this party started!" Jay said
"Ohayohay hey!" We all sung

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