Undo the spell

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(Madilyn's POV)
We were around a table in the boys room planning out the wand stealing.
"Ok we all know what this looks like. So it will up on the Dias under the Beasts spell jar. And we will be coming in from here. Mads will be in the front the rest of us will be up on the balcony" Mal explained
"Okay, so I'll find our limo so we can break the barrier and uh get back on the island with the wand" Carlos said
"Perfect, Evie?" Mal said turning to her
"Yeah?" Evie said
"You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he will be out like a light" Mal said giving Evie a perfume bottle.
"Okay" Evie said taking the bottle
"M?" I said
"Right" she said walking to her bag and grabbing her spell book. She handed it to me. I flipped through the pages and found the anti love spell and started reading it.
"Mads, you wanna break Ben's love spell?" Evie asked looking over my shoulder. Carlos and Jay looked over to me.
"Yeah. You know for after. I don't... I've been thinking you know, when the villains finally invade Auradon and start kicking people out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a bit extra...mad" I said before closing the spell book and walking out
"Mads?" Evie said but I was gone.
I walked into the kitchen and started making the potion.

(3rd POV)
Jay looked over to his tourney trophy remembering the fun he always had.
Carlos rolled over on his bed and pet his dog Dude.
Evie takes out her B+ test and smiles
Mal grabs all the artwork she had made since she had finally taken Ben's advice and took and art class.
Madilyn was stirring the potion in the kitchen.
A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening?
I know it's time to say goodbye
So hard to let go
A tear fell from Madilyn's face and into the mixture completing the spell.

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