Welcome to Auradon

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(Madilyn's POV)
We all sat in the limo on our way to Auradon prep. Evie took out some blush and a brush before she started putting it on Mals face
"You're looking a little washed out let me help you out" Evie said before Mal waved her hand away
"Ew stop. I'm plotting" Mal said as Evie put the Blush and brush back in her bag.
"Well it's not very attractive" Evie said grabbing a blue rock candy. I looked at all the candy before quickly grabbing a couple of gummy worms. The two boys looked at each other then started ransacking the candy. Carlos took a reeses peanut butter cup and bit into half of it.
"Oh! These! It's salty like nuts but sweet like I don't know what" Carlos said
"Let me see" Jay said before Carlos opened his mouth showing Jay the peanut butter cup that he was eating. "Ew!" Jay said hitting Carlos before snatching the rest of the peanut butter cup that was in his hand and eating it.
"It's called a peanut butter cup" I said and the two boys looked at me "it's like a layer of chocolate on the outside with a peanut butter filling" I finished
"How do you know what these are?" Carlos asked
"My dads the mad hatter you expect him not to give me candy?" I asked
"Ok but how do you get them?" Jay asked knowing that they weren't available on the Isle
"I have my ways" I said flipping my hair back and looking out the window.
"Look!" Evie screamed as we all looked forward seeing we were about to go off the edge of the Island. We all screamed huddling together before I noticed nothing happened.
"What just happened?" I asked looking around
"It must be magic!" Evie said excitedly
"Hey. Did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" Mal said to the driver holding up a black remote
"No, this one opens the magic barrier" he said holding up a golden remote before he looked back to the front "that one opens my garage. And this one" he said pushing a button closing the window so we couldn't talk to him
"Okay. Nasty I like that guy" Mal said turning back towards us. We kept driving for a little bit longer before finally getting to Auradon prep. There was so many people. We parked and the door opened up the two boys falling out both fighting over some sort of blue towel. I walked out stepping over Carlos's legs. I did a tiny turn looking around the place. The other girls stepped out before I turned over towards the giant audience of people.
"Ow! Stop! You got everything else why do you want whatever this is!" Carlos said
"Cause you want it!" Jay said
"Guys guys guys" Mal said trying to get their attention
"We have an audience" I said turning to the boys. They both looked towards the crowd of people watching them.
"Just cleaning up" Jay said "get up" he said to Carlos
"Leave it like you found it" a women in a blue dress said in a sing song voice "and by that I mean just leave it" she finished in a more serious tone. Jay threw all the stuff he stole back into the limo before Carlos handed him the towel which he threw back in as well. Jay then spotted a brunette girl in a pink dress.
"Hello foxy. The names Jay" Jay said to the girl who just laughed awkwardly.
"Welcome to Auradon" the women in the blue dress said interrupting them "I'm Fairy godmother headmistress" she said giving a courtesy
"The fairy godmother? As in bibbidi bobbidi boo" Mal asked
"What a caleb" I said
"Bibbidi bobbidi you know it" Fairy godmother said smiling
"Yeah you know I've always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkling wand, and warm smile" Mal said
"Oh" Fairy godmother said
"And sparkling wand" Mal finished and I rolled my eyes at her
"That was a long time ago and as I always say 'don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future" Fairy godmother said doing some sort of hand motions
"It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben" a boy with dirty blonde hair said and I looked at him smiling
"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king!" The girl in the pink dress said
"You had me at Prince. My moms a queen which makes me a princess" Evie said stepping closer to Ben
"The evil queen has no royal status here. And neither do you" the girl said. Evie back away disappointed and I rolled my eyes at the brunette.
"This is Audrey" Ben said
"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend" Audrey interrupted "right Bennyboo" she finished before I scoffed at the name.
"Ben and Audrey are gonna show you around, and I'll see you tomorrow" Fairy godmother said from behind Audrey and Ben "The Doors of wisdom are never shut!" She said parting Audrey and Bens arms "but the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 and as you may have heard I have a little thing about curfews" she finished before her and the band left leaving the five of us with Ben and Audrey.
"It is so so good to finally meet you all" Ben said trying to shake Jays hands but he hit him in the chest. He came over to me and held his hand out I took it and we looked into each other's eyes for quite some time. I cleared my throat as he snapped back into reality letting go of my hand. "This is a momentous occasion and one that I hope will go down in history....is that chocolate?" He said shaking Carlos's hand
"Told you so" I whispered to Carlos
"As the day that our two peoples began to heal" Ben finished shaking Mal then Evie's hands
"Or the day that you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are" Mal said sarcastically
"A little over the top?" Ben asked
"A little more then a little" I said smirking at him
"Well, so much for my first impression" he said smiling at me.
"Hey! You're maleficents daughter aren't you?" She said to Mal as me and Ben snapped out of our stare "Yeah I totally do not blame you for your mom trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh my moms Aurora. Sleeping"
"Beauty" Mal finished her sentence "yeah I've heard the name. You know I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening" Mal said
"Water under the bridge?" Audrey said with a fake smile
"Totes" Mal said mimicking Audrey's voice before they both did a forced laugh with a dramatic sigh at the end.
"How about a tour? Yeah?" Ben said before he started walking towards the front of the building with all of us following "Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king" Ben said as we stopped in front of a statue of his father
"Oh you mean the same person that locked my dad up on the isle for no reason" I said sarcastically looking at him
"Um. I'm sorry?" Ben said looking at me
"Oh I want really wanting an apology from you but thank you" I said again sarcastically
"That's now what he meant" Audrey said
"Oh I know" I said smiling at her
"Anyway" Ben said before clapping and his dads statue turned into a beast. From behind me Carlos screamed and jumped into Jays arms "Carlos it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything possible" Ben said and I gave a sarcastic laugh
"Does he shed much?" I asked turning to Ben
"Yeah mom won't let him on the couch" he said with seriousness in his face before he smiled. I giggled at his lame joke. We all started walking into the building.
"So do you guys have a lot of magic in Auradon? Like wands and things like that?" Mal asked
"Yeah it exist of course but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals" Ben said smiling at us
"Who just happen to be kings and queens" I said sarcastically
"That's true!" Our royal blood line goes back hundreds of years" Audrey said wrapping Bens arm around her shoulders.
"Doug. Doug come down" Ben said getting away from Audrey's grasp as she looked at me and gave a fake smile. "This is Doug he's gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms" he continued before walking a bit closer to us "I'll see you later okay?" He said looking in my eyes again "and if there's anything you need feel free to-"
"Ask Doug" Audrey interrupted him and I stared at her and we both fake laughed with a dramatic sigh at the end like her and Mal did earlier. Then Audrey and Ben left leaving us with Doug.
"Hi guys I'm Dopeys son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and.....heigh ho" he said staring at Evie
"Evie, Evil queens daughter" Evie said twirling her hair
"Okay" Doug snapped back into reality "so about your classes. I uh put in the requirements already.....history of woodsmen and pirates, safety rules for the internet, and um Remedial goodness 101" Doug finished as me and Mal looked over his shoulders
"Let me guess new class?" Mal said sticking a piece of candy in her mouth and throwing the wrapper on the ground
"Come on guys let's go find our dorms" I said before I started up the stairs as the others followed
"Oh um your dorms are that way actually" Doug said pointing to the other side "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, sleepy and....."
"Sneezy" I said before skipping off.

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