Chapter Two

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So this is mostly going to follow the same story line as the original story, but I will be expanding on characters more and changing the way somethings happen. There's a brief scene of bad touch. 


        Stiles doesn't know where he is at first, the trees look thicker and the woods almost darker to him. He feels wrong, like he doesn't know where he is or even who he is. Stiles groggily stands to his feet, he wobbles some on his feet back and forth some, and he finally manages to stand still for more than a minute. “What the hell?” Stiles mumbles to himself, and he walks slowly into the direction that he last went.

The forest is dark now, not like it's night but more like the sun cannot penetrate the ground through the thick leaves of the trees, and Stiles has to strain his eyes to see. His arms are tingling in fright, and he tries not to focus on it. He can find his way back, he's played with the pack enough times to know how to hide, and he determines to find Lydia. “Lydia!” Stiles screams, and he doesn't get anything in response.

He sighs in annoyance before he begins to walk faster, he needs to find his friend before anything else happens. “Lydia!” Stiles screams, and only silence answers him back. “Fucking shit.” Stiles mutters, and winds his hands together to whisper a spell into the air to find Lydia. The ball of blue light stays in front of him before shaking some in place before it just disappears into a puff of light making Stiles groan in frustration. He isn't the best at tracking spells, he once chased Scott into another state before, and he huffs as he thinks.

Stiles figures that his best option is going to be to follow the trail from earlier, thinking that when he finds the bed and breakfast again he can find Lydia better from there, and he sees where he could have sworn the trail was. The area is now covered in dirt, leaves, and just clutter. Stiles smacks his feet on the ground as he follows it, and he sees someone bending over drinking from a stream. What makes Stiles feel strange is that the man is in an old fashion pants and shirt with a blue overcoat. It's not in and off it's self odd, Stiles knows that they're in Ireland so it's common, but it's just strange to see. “Excuse me?” Stiles calls, and the man turns around to look at him before reaching towards his hip.

“Oui?” The man says, his accent French. Stiles makes an 'uh' noise since he only knows very little French. The man is glaring at him, and Stiles backs away slowly as his arms burn. “Magicien?” He asks, and Stiles shakes his head. “Loup aide!” He screams, and all Stiles knows from experience is that 'loup' means wolf.

“I don't speak French!” Stiles yells, and suddenly he is surrounded by people. He pulls his sleeves down to hide his glowing tattoos, and he backs away slowly. “I think we're having some miscommunication issues here so I'm going to go.” Stiles says, and before he knows it he has a knife at his throat.

“Qui est émissaire êtes-vous?” A man asks, and Stiles stares at him. The man is taller and threatening looking, he's got a scar on his face almost like slash marks making Stiles suspect that this man is a hunter.

“I don't speak French. Uh, Je ne parle pas francais!” Stiles screams at him, and the man pushes the knife deeper into his skin making Stiles flinch but not break eye contact with the man.

“Ces marques sur vos bras, vous font messager pour les loups.” The man says, his rancid breath making Stiles try to break free from him. “English, you speak to the wolves.” He says, and Stiles shakes his head.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Stiles lies, and he feels blood trickling down his neck as the knife bites deeper. “You're just French trash making Ireland dirty.” Stiles spits, and the man punches him to the ground. He moves to stand quickly, and he turns his head to see that he is surrounded by four men and one of them has a familiar face. “Chris.” Stiles gasps out, and the man gives him a confused look. Stiles knew that Allison has relatives that are French, but the last he heard Mr. Argent was still in Beacon Hills.

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