chapter 6

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the next day at lunch the twins and joan sat with Aron at lunch.

"carrot cake is sppirrior" joan shrugs drinking a juice box

"realy?" Aron asks

they sat in the middle of the feild after they ate lunch.

"yeah, hands down"

"ok i know enough about you with just that statement" carci says

"what? says the girl who likes hello cake"

cathrine snorts

"i like jello. not jello cake. and specifically cherry jello" carci says defecivly

"basic flavor"

"what would you rather i say? green apple? wattermelon? perhaps orange pecan" she says

"now your making flavors up" Aron says laughing

"EXACTLY! There are only "basic" flavors in jello" she says

"ok, well Aron, whats so bad about carot cake?" cathrine asks

"i dont like cake. any cake. no exceptions." Aron says

"oh, well then you dont get to comment on how bad carrot cake is" joan says

"hey guys" a girl said

"hey Marlee" the twins say

"hi" Aron nods

"sup" joan says nodding

"god, marlee what have i said about talking to them" Marlee's friend says

"Karina you are in middle school not highschool musical" carci says

"or love simon" catherine says

"ooh, yeah thats a good movie" carci says

"never seen it" joan says

"what! oh darling you are missing out" catherine says

"am i though?"

"YES" Aron and the twins says

"ok then, i will take your word for it" joan says

carci stood up to stretch and out of the corner of her eye she saw karina stand up taller. carci snikered. both the twins were tall for their age and so it wasnt hard to feel small next to them. carci wasnt trying to size up karina or anything and found it funny that she felt threanted or something like that.

"what else have you been missing out on?" Aron asks

"um probably a lot compaired to you three" joan says

"fine, what HAVE you seen?"  catherine asks

"um..." joan paused to think for a minute

"mostly shows i realise" she says after a moment

"animated or what?" carci asks

"why is this important?" joan asks

"why are you still here?" carci asks karina

"we were just leaving" Karina says

"aw" marlee says then left with karina

"conversation joan, conversation" catherine says

"uh mostly live action stuff"

"ok have you at the very leaset seen voltron, the loud house and she-ra?" carci asks pulling catherine to her feet

"uhm, the original, yes, and also the original" joan says

"the original she-ra was kinda obnoxtious" catherine says

"yeah. god catra and adora were so annoying" carci says getting catherine onto her back

"thats true. the entirety of that show was like a fever dream" joan says

"shadow-weaver had the weirdest character design i think out of all of the characters" Aron comments

"you watched she-ra?" Joan asked

"i have three younger sisters and im friends with those idiots. of course i have. also i watched he-man" Aron says


""he-man"" catherine giggles

"what was the point of this?" she adds looking at her sister

"he-man is a weird hero name" joan says

catherine was sitting on carci's shoulders

"there wasnt and still isnt" carci says

"i- ok well we need to put our lunches else where"

"meh Aron and can do that" carci says

"ok then"

"is she-ra not a weird hero name?" Aron asks joan

"no but at least its not she-woman" joan comments


"hey Aron" catherine says sounding a little excited

"oh no, what?" Aron asks

"we've expaned on ourtheroy on hw to hide a body"

"oh dear lord help me"

"Aron are you being held hosage? is there an actual reason you're friends with them?" joan asks patting him on the shoulder
“at this point i don't even remember.” aron sighs

“Aron and I have been friends since kindergarten.” catherine says

“right, and i'm friends with carci by extension because they are inseparable. we get along surprisingly well though” Aron aadmits

“mh, yeah that sounds about right” joan nods.

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