Death Painting Arc -Part II-

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This chapter might contain some spoiler for Anime-only reader


The smell of antiseptic infiltrated her nose from the moment she stepped into the building. Her long sleeves hoodie helped her body to stay warm despite the high air conditioning rooms in there. Her legs took her to the nearest visitor elevator and pressed the button. A while ago, Fushiguro texted her about her room before arriving. Once she got into the elevator, her finger pushed the number 5 button, and it took her immediately to her destination. Her room wasn't that far off as she only needed to pass a couple of rooms.

She slid open the door and let herself entered. No one was there just like Fushiguro told her. Y/N sat on the chair provided beside the bed and put the bouquet she brought on the empty vase next to her. Just to be sure, she activated her technique on Tsumiki's room afterwards. Y/N stared at the girl lying on the bed. Her forehead displayed a certain symbol of curse.

"As I thought," she mumbled to herself. The curse that was put to Tsumiki was not like any other curse the other victims had. Probably it was much stronger than that. If she got cursed like the other, then she should be experiencing the same as the other. But since she fell into a coma, a stronger curse came into the game. Even if Fushiguro did succeed on exorcising the curse, it won't help much with Tsumiki.

Her hands pulled the blanket closer to her body, trying to keep Tsumiki's warm. Her eyes looked at the big window in front of her, seeing the crescent moon confidently shone above Tokyo. She could only hope for the best for the three.

Hours passed and she got a call from Nitta that she has picked them up. The mission was a huge success although they experienced some casualties. She said that she was allowed to go home as probably the curse she got on Yasohachi Bridge has disappeared. Her eyes travelled to the still bedridden girl before her. She sighed and stood up from the chair.

"Better not tell Fushiguro about this," she mumbled to herself. Y/N leaned closer and tucked the locks that covered Tsumiki's face behind her ear. She smiled softly and stood upright. "You have a good brother, Tsumiki."

The night was colder than when she went inside the building. She put both hands inside her hoodie pocket. Since it was late at night, few to none people were seen walking around the street. Her phone suddenly buzzed, and she picked it to look at who was the caller.

"Hello?" she asked, deciding on answering.

"Ah, Y/N! I have some news that might be able to help you understand about your situation," Gojo said over the phone. "Apparently, someone in Nagoya knew about this earring that you've been looking for." She stopped in her tracks after hearing what Gojo said.

"Nagoya? Isn't that.."

"Yes, your hometown," the other line chirped happily. "But since you're abandoned from there, you need permission or the higher-ups request to enter the estate." She gulped and fell deeper into the conversation.

"So, it is basically a no-go, right? There's no way they would request me," she already felt skeptic. Gojo hummed and she could feel the older male was smiling.

"There's a curse apparently in Nagoya and your grandfather is searching for someone to exorcise them," he explained. "Sooner or later they'll request you. Well, that's all I've to say. See you soon!" The phone call ended, leaving her alone in the quiet street. Hearing from the terms from Gojo already made her possibility closed off. His vague answer really threw her off.

She continued to walk to school alone while her mind was in a jumble. Suddenly, a car stopped beside her, and the window was down, revealing Nitta. The tiredness on her face was obvious when she let the car window down.

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