Minamoto Clan Arc -Part II-

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The audacity of the boy by calling her a brat despite having the same age as her was high. Fortunate for him that she didn't went and strangle every single life he has since she was also curious about this school he was attending. It was obviously prestigious, judging by the look how his uniform designed. Also, the way the school exterior looked on the outside was outstanding. Although Nagoya has a traditional image on it, but this school felt completely like a foreign place.

"So? Why did you invite me here?" she asked.

"Mother asked me to bring you here. It's not like I want you to come either," he hissed.

"Hm, but I want to come, though," she said which made the boy frowned. "Say, did you ever see anything hideous or strange in your school?" Even if these days Minamoto clan already not a sorcerer, but even normal people might have seen an apparition one or two if the said place was haunted.

"I have," he replied, surprisingly calm. "It was in the afternoon and it lurking around the third floor on the second building. It was an abandon place though, students and teachers often used it as a storage. Not surprising if curse spirit lurking there."

"Wait, you can see them?" the boy looked at her and stopped mid track. He nodded despite his confusion. She looked down, fingers on her chin, thinking deeply. It's not strange that some people on the Minamoto Clan have this ability since their ancestor used to be one of the great Clan to be a sorcerer. Maybe this was the reason why until today, he wasn't affected from the curse. This could go smoothly If Chihiro could cooperate with her but looking at how he was towards her it won't happen. Maybe she should just wait for Gojo and the others while gathering some information since it could be higher than grade 1 curse.

On the other hand, Chihiro looked at her, seeing how she was thinking something deeply. He looked away, hands rubbing the back of his neck. He really wanted to ask this himself, trying to confirming with her but didn't know when's the time. Probably this was the best time.

"Hey," he started, succeed on gaining the girl's attention. "Do you really not remember me?" He asked sheepishly. His eyes darted everywhere expect hers. She looked at him. His face flushed red and lips pursed tightly.

"I don't really remember who you are, but I remember your mother," she said. Somehow, he was hurt. For him, she was like a friend back then since the kids were mainly already in their high school or middle school. But after he knew about her family leaving, he was sad, frustrated, and annoyed. So, the harsh lash he did back then was to vent out all his pent-up emotion. There're so many things he wanted to ask since his parents didn't tell him exactly why she left. "What's with the face?" The boy frowned at her, confused at her remarks but he was unconsciously making a sad expression. "Wait, don't tell me I confessed back then, and you're hurt that I forgot?"

"Wha-?!" he blushed. But it was true though, she did confess to him before she left. Before he could even tell her his answer. He clenched his fist tightly. "So-So what if you confess? I rejected you! Hurry, the class will start." She chuckled at how embarrassed he was and went ahead of her. Chihiro was kind enough to guide her to teacher office and explained her situation. Since she was free to attend the classes or not, Chihiro went ahead to his class and left her alone in the hallway. However, he did say that if she ever needed him or anything she could come to his class.

"Okay, should we go to the second building?" she muttered to herself and put her hands on her hoodie pocket. She exited the main building and started on heading towards the second building Chihiro said on the way. It really looked abandon, but the presence itself didn't seem too menacing like she thought. Probably she should check them out again later in the afternoon. For now, exploring the building layout seemed like a nice idea.

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