Chapter 14

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"Hey Dally?" Diana asked as they walked beside each other down the street. "You mentioned last night how I had do much fucking money."

"Don't bring that shit back up," he grunted. He was more hungover than she was, she'd cut herself off much earlier than he had.

"No, I was just gonna say, I've still got a fuck ton of cash on me. We can spend it however we want."


"Yes, the two people here right now, you and I. It's no fun if I just go spend it by myself."

"Well, that's what you're gonna do, I'd rather just take what I want."

"But some things you can't just take, too big to smuggle out in a jacket. We can be on top of the world, we can get whatever we want and nothing can stop us."

He chuckled darkly. "That's how it is, isn't it? People with enough money are on top of the world, and no one can stop them."

"You're right. That is how it is. And it's fucked up. But the longer I have the money, the less safe I am on this side of town. So we can either go spend it, or we can burn it or something. I don't want it."

"How much you got?"

She pulled her wallet out of her pocket and started rifling through the bills.

"Just over a thousand."

Dally whistled. "Then that's more than enough. Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"Just come on, you'll see."

"Fine, but I gotta make a stop first. I'm almost out of weed,and there's no way in hell I'm gonna keep living without it."



Diana broke off from Dally, and showed back up around 30 minutes later, much to his annoyance.

"What was that for?"


"You disappeared down a dark alley by yourself, that's a stupid thing to do," he scolded.

"Well no shit, I went there to do a fucking drug deal. I know the guy who sells to me, I'm well aware he and his goons have guns, but shooting a loyal and unproblematic customer is a dumb thing to do."

Dally's eyes blazed. "God, you are just begging to be fucked up. A pretty little thing like you, around these parts? Most of the thugs around here wouldn't wait to see your fucking face to jump you."

She scowled. "Why the fuck do you think you have a right to complain about what I'm doing? I know! I know what I'm asking for, being around here! And I don't fucking care! I don't give a shit what happens to me anymore. Whatever happens, happens. I'll end up dead in the end no matter what happens in the middle. It's just some weed, calm the fuck down."

"Yeah, well, the thing is doll, if people see you're with me-"

"What? They'll do what? Hurt me to try and get to you? You don't care about me, and I don't either. Give it up."

Dally couldn't respond to that. She was right. She fascinated him, but he didn't care for her. He cared about her a little, but not in the way she meant. He shouldn't care what happened to her. He had lived through too much and seen too many people come and go in his time to care. But something was off about it. Something in the back of his head kept nagging him, about how he did. Why he did. Why he cared about her.

"Dally, you haven't told me what we're doing yet."

"You see, doll, you wrecked your pretty little car, and Buck's not too happy with me these days. So neither of us really have a way to get around these days."

"So we're buying some back alley car with my, and I use the term loosely, father's, money?"

"Yup," he said, dragging her along.

"Fine by me. Just make sure it ain't ugly, that wouldn't be using the cash to its full potential."

"You said you wanted to burn the shit, quit whining."

"I could just not give you the money."

"Oh yeah? Then I'll beat you up and take it from you, I don't care."

"And I'm just as strong and fast as you, but I'm more nimble. What about it?"

"Don't flatter yourself," he snorted.

"Never mind, I take it back. You can bend over so far your head is buried deep in your own ass," she said, chuckling.

Dally didn't rise to the bait, instead he sauntered up to the man smoking a cigarette in the alley near them.

"Well if it isn't Dallas Winston? What are you doing around these parts?" He greeted.

"You still got that car we were talkin' about a couple weeks ago?"

"What about it? You got the means to pay me for it?" The man laughed.

"Nah, but she does," he replied, gesturing to Diana.

She glared at him, she really didn't want to get involved, this was Dally's problem. She just had a wad of bills.

"You're giving me the broad in exchange for a car? Did she agree to this?" The man asked, raising his brows.

"No she did not," she replied, shooting Dally another glare. "But the broad happens to have cash."

The man laughed. "Feisty. She the replacement Sylvia?"

"Sure is," Dally said, grinning devilishly, at the same time she replied "Absolutely not."

The man just laughed more. "Ooh, I see we're on different pages here."

"I'm not a replacement Sylvia, I don't throw myself at people. And Dally's spending my cash, not the other way around."

"How much you got?" He chuckled.

"About $750," she fibbed.

The man snorted. "That's nothing. Why should I give you a car for that much?"

"Because you owe me a favor, the car is shit anyways."

"Fine. Throw in a blowjob from the blonde, and I'll do it."

Diana patted Dally on the back condescendingly. "You're up, Dally, take one for the team."

The man roared with laughter.

"What? Absolutely the fuck not!" Dally yelled back.

She just shrugged. "You're more blonde than I am. You've got lips and a tongue, you started the deal, finish it like a man."

Dally glared at her. The tips of his ears burned red.

"I like her. Just for you, darling, I'll give it to y'all. Come find me if you ever need a real man, you hear me?" The man winked at her, sauntering off and beckoning them to follow.

They arrived at a parked dark blue 1957 mustang.

Diana whistled. "Damn, all that for seven-fifty and a favor."

The man that she still hadn't been introduced to placed the keys in her hand instead of Dally's.

"Offer always stands, sweetheart," he whispered into her ear in passing.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I've got enough problematic men in my life already," she smirked.

She climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Get in, Texas boy," she hollered.

"No way, I'm driving."

"Who's in the drivers seat, who's got the keys, and who paid? Get in or I'm leaving you right here."

"Fine, fine, quit being so pushy," he grumbled, climbing into the passenger seat.

Before he had time to buckle his seatbelt, she aggressively pulled them out onto the road, and they started tearing through town at 60 miles per hour.

Wear your seatbelts, children. On that note, please vote and review :)

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