Chapter 4: Attraction or Distraction?

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Sylvie nodded weakly as Emilia walked down the hall, searching for some sort of room to stay for the night. Although she was a Norse goddess, she was not immortal and the blade cut her deep. Without touching it, the goddess could feel how deep her wound was as blood oozed out. She felt weak as her fluids continued to leave her body.

After searching for what felt like hours, Emilia slid open a door to a random room. It appeared to be some sort of holding cell for prisoners. It had two beds on either side with a small metal sink in the middle. She quickly walked her partner to a bed and laid her down gently. Sylvie adjusted herself uncomfortably, looking at the dirty mattress and blanket laid atop it. "Not very snuggly is it?" She scrunched her nose at the feeling.

Despite how cute she looked when she scrunched her nose, Emilia rolled her eyes at the enchantress. "Really?" The red head questioned, staring down at her wounded partner. "You're going to do this now?"

Sylvie shrugged, trying her best to move past the pain the only way she knew how: with her sarcastic wit. "The blanket feels like table cloth."

"Well forgive me your majesty if the blanket isn't made from fine Asgardian silk." The red head replied sarcastically.

Sylvie was about to retort again but she winced in pain, letting out a slight yelp. Emilia looked down to see Sylvie's hand covered in crimson blood. Her mood immediately returned to its original worried state."I'll be right back." She said brushing a piece of Sylvie's sweat soaked hair away from her face.

Despite how weak she was, Emilia couldn't help but admire Sylvie's beauty. She looked almost at peace with the situation, as if she had been in one similar hundreds of times before. As Emilia stood to look for medical supplies, Sylvie grabbed Emilia's small hand. She felt Sylvie's blood slick in her hand as she looked down at their laced fingers. "Mia, take the Tempad." Sylvie said weakly, reaching into her belt for the Tempad and battery.

Emilia quickly pushed it back as worry washed over her face. "Forget about the Tempad right now. I need to focus on you. I'll be back soon." Emilia smiled down at Sylvie who returned the gesture.

"Mia..." Sylvie paused. She felt her life leave her body. What if she wouldn't make it by the time Emilia returned? She was never one to really be afraid of eminent doom; she had surrounded herself with it her whole life practically. But this was different.

    Emilia turned around again to face Sylvie. Their eyes locked, worry in Emilia's and desperation and love in Sylvie's. "What?" She asked with a small sigh.

    Sylvie s breath hitched. "Nothing." She mentally slapped herself for being such a coward.

    Shaking off the slightly awkward yet intimate interaction, the literal fiery red head left her partner quickly to find medical supplies. As she exited the main building she looked around for a place that could have such items, eventually finding a market. She walked in and quickly gathered everything she needed and paid.

Running back to Sylvie, Emilia found her unconscious on her bed. Her body seemed lifeless, the low light made it hard to determine if her skin had lost its usual ivory hue. She immediately dropped the bag and gently shook the lithe woman. "Sylvie?" Emilia asked quietly. She didn't respond. "Sylvie, wake up!"

"Ow." Sylvie said weakly as she held her abdomen. "Watch it, will you?"

Emilia let out a sigh of relief. "God, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry. I dozed off. I haven't slept." Emilia began pulling the supplies out of the bag. Sylvie immediately noticed a large bottle of alcohol in Emilia's hand. "Is that for you or me?" Sylvie asked, grinning.

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