Chapter 2: Did The Scream Make You Feel Better?

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"Where the fuck did you take me?" Emilia yelled in frustration.

Sylvie's attention was fixated on the Tempad after she helped Emilia up. It wasn't giving her the location, but the amount of time before the world was destroyed. "I'm not sure. Somewhere safe for now." Sylvie said nonchalantly as she continued to hit the Tempad with her palm in attempts to fix it. The small device sparked more violently than expected, making both women flinch slightly.

Emilia walked up to Sylvie and snatched the Tempad from the goddess's hand. "Take me back!" She screamed, tears of anger welling in her eyes.

Sylvie sighed and crossed her arms as if to say "I don't have time for this." She took two strong, furious steps closer to the distraught human. "Give me the Tempad! I don't need it in the hands of some clueless human who doesn't even know what it is!" Sylvie said angrily.

"No," Emilia hid the device behind her back, shoving it frantically in the waistband of her pants. "Not until you agree to take me back." Emilia wasn't even phased by Sylvie's insult. 

Sylvie tried to reach behind Emilia to grab the Tempad but she spun around, pushing the mischievous goddess in the shoulders. Sylvie looked surprised at the young woman; her surprise quickly turned into anger as she drew her green machete from its sheath. "Where do you have it hidden?" Sylvie grimaced.

"In my heart." Emilia replied sarcastically.

Sylvie took a few steps closer to Emilia, holding the machete inches away from her throat, the blade's glow reflecting on Emilia's soft, delicate skin. "Well, then, I'll cut it out!"

The blonde woman could see how strained and tense the human neck's was as the blade was inches away from cutting her skin. Emilia scoffed as she stepped back from Sylvie's blade, barely phased by the sharp object so close to her throat. "Are you always like this?" She asked, her voice trembling ever so slightly.

Sylvie sighed heavily as she shoved her machete into her belt, looking back at Emilia. "Only with people like you."

Faster than the speed of sound, Sylvie twisted Emilia's her arm behind her back, grabbing the Tempad from the waistband of her pants. She quickly let go and pushed Emilia away from her. The goddess continued to fiddle with the stubborn device as it sparked occasionally.

The young human held her shoulder, wincing in pain. "What the hell! You just dislocated my shoulder!" Emilia yelled looking at her throbbing shoulder.

"No serious damage was done. You're a doctor; you should know better."

"H-how did you know I was a doctor?" Emili asked, now scared.

Sylvie smirked slightly as she scanned with the Tempad. "I know a lot of things."

Emilia shook her head in disbelief. Who the hell was this woman? She thought. Remembering their conversation, the doctor's expression grew serious again. "Take. Me. Home."

Sylvie's expression grew slightly sympathetic. The goddess wasn't one for sympathy usually. She knew no one who had experienced what she had: running and hiding for what felt like eons, fueled only by her own motivations and anger. Sylvie knew Emilia didn't know what was going on, but she also knew there was no other way of telling her the truth. "Your world was doomed for destruction since it's creation. If I hadn't taken you away from it, you would be dead."

Emilia had always been brought up to believe that the worlds created in fantasy and sci-fi films and books were merely that: fantasy. Just the thought of the possibility of there being other worlds bewildered the young doctor beyond belief. Sylvie clearly wasn't from earth, far from it in fact, but Emilia didn't know that at the time. Her adrenaline and confusion had too far clouded her mind. After all, she was a woman of rational thought and science. "What?" Emilia questioned trying to grasp the concept laid before her.

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