Chapter 7

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It was afternoon and I was already tired due to the day's events. I lay on edge of the bed throwing the dagger Destin gifted onto the soft-board target pinned against the wall.


I got up to dislodge it, that's when I heard a knock. The maid opened the door. I turned to see my father enter.

'' Princess!'' he came over opening his arms. '' Happy birthday my darling daughter! '' I ran and embraced him. He laughed and kissed the top of my head.

'' Look what I have for you!''

I stepped back to see what he was talking about. Behind him stood three men. All of them had something in their hand which was hidden by cloth. The first one came forward and the  King peeled off the cover to reveal my first gift. My jaw was touching the floor.

It was the portrait Ludwig had made and denied to let me see it. Stunning was an understatement. The play of colors on the canvas mesmerized me. The way he had painted my smile '' Its beautiful'' I muttered.

As the fog of awe started clearing, I started seeing the minor details. How he had discretely captured the mischief in my eyes and painted a green grape tucked between my fingers. I suppressed a giggle. '' I love it father!'' he beamed.

The other man came forward and took off the cover. It was a wooden box. Father grasped the latch and opened it. I gasped. In the box lay a pair of pure ebony and silver pistols. Along with it some tools and gunpowder container. '' Custom made for you..'' he stated.

'' Aye there Princess! I went all the way to Deutschland to get them made.'' Reynard said coming closer to us and bowing. '' Happy Birthday Mi'lady!''

'' Thank you so much Sir Reynard!'' I said embracing him. '' So that's why I haven't seen you in a're out of shape.'' I said poking his abdomen lightly.

'' Well our duel and archery practice be due my Princess.'' he replied with a smile. I always liked Reynard. He was a loyal friend and a wise adviser to father and my trainer too.

'' You will need practice with these anyways. Catch up tomorrow.'' Father smiled gesturing towards the latest addition to weapons I possess.

'' Tomorrow it is then.'' I exclaimed.

'' Alright here's your third present.'' father said uncovering it.

It was a pearl grey ballgown with silver sparkles. '' You have to wear it tonight for the celebrations.'' father said.

I nodded my head with a smile. '' Thank your father, for everything.''


'' Princess!'' Cecelia's worried scream almost made me throw up food from my mouth. She will startle me to death I swear.

''Are you stuffing cake?'' she inquired. I couldn't speak because my mouth really was full of cake. ''He's found us....we have to move hurry!'' she grabbed my hand and we exited the kitchen. We were running away. Why? Well it all began at my birthday party. After the cutting of the cake and singing of the song, people started coming over and greeting me personally. That's how I met him. James Lynch, the son of a reverent leader from the eleven. (The Hunters have an international council of eleven leaders. There used to be twelve until the death of King Victor. Father is among these eleven, which means I'll be next. All Hunters were different by the animals that blessed them.)

He was nothing like a hunter except the crown. His aura shouted lankly, annoying and extremely dull. God save the Hunters if he becomes the leader. The only thing he relied on for making a successful conversation was his good looks. Which I found sluggish. His quota for annoying reached my tolerance threshold and so I excused myself but he won't leave me alone! So I tried escaping but he always found me.

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