Letting go piece by piece.

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Letting go. A simple phrase many use when times of hardships are over but you yourself still hold onto a shattered piece of the past. Some may stand there before you and throw the words at you, as if they were a cotton blanket they hope may provide you warmth. But what the bystanders to your life may fail to notice, is their supposed words of comfort do nothing but make you glaze over the cracks in your armor evidently hiding that piece of the past from all prying eyes. On the outside you force a smile and utter the words, "I'm fine", while you subconsciously hold that shattered piece in your hands as it burns your skin and scream out to them. It's not easy to let go of something, let alone everything. Each moment in our lives are significant and effect us in different ways. Some people can lock those memories that effect them away, and thus continue on without the past clinging on to them. I am not one of these people. Those exact memories which i fear so deeply still cling on to me like solid shadows, their darkness penetrating my every thought and move. They hide my inner self from all that surround me like a cloak of fear. My faith in humanity and my trust in others have been shattered due to the heavy blows they have received, rendering me unable to trust the people close to me. Yet even though i show barely any emotion and push people who try to break down my walls away, they still persevere. They continue to try to help me release my shattered past so i may walk forward. These people are the ones I am great full to know. Because they are helping me to let go. Piece.By.Piece

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