<blonde bet%

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Olive and kai were at the beach and decided to put a bet on how many machines they could win on.

If kai won more- Olive has to dye her hair red.

If Olive won more- kai has to dye his hair blonde.

The couple played claw machines, space invaders and penny machines.

How to win a penny machines = get the most prizes out of them.

By the end they were tied and couldn't think of a tie breaker so got some chips and sat on the beach.

"I've got an idea kai" Olive said cheekily.

"Really? Okay let's even up these scores and see who is the loser." He paused " and I'm sorry to break it to you babe, but your going down."

" OK first to finish their chips wins?" Kai nodded in agreement.
"321 go"

They ate rapidly- desperately not wanting to lose this bet.
But unfortunately for kai he lost.


Before getting home they grabbed some blonde dye- ready for the punishment.

So Olive dyed it. It took 3 hours but was all worth it because he looked hot blonde.

"What do you think? I look horrible right." He said coming out the bathroom with only joggers on.

"Wow" She muttered before she could stop herself and kai chuckled at this.

"You having shower next?" He questioned.
And Olive nodded going into the bathroom. But what she didn't know is kai brought red dye and swapped it with conditioner.

So a few minutes later he heard a scream.

"Kai! What the hell did you do?!" She questioned coming out the bath room furious.

The witch just laughed at her- so she jumped on his startling him before they chased each other round the house giggling and tickling each other.

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