Chapter Five

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I saw him watching me from my apartment so I couldn't take pictures today. I was kind of upset but I got some good ones from him with my neighbor John.

I had to clean my apartment yesterday so that when or if he brings the plate from the cookies over he wouldn't be disgusted. After my trip to the photo developers yesterday, I went to Walmart and got a safe to keep the pictures in. I don't want him to feel weirded out if our relationship ever comes to that.

I watched him walk around his apartment gathering a lot of tools is what it looked like. I took pictures of course and kept watching. When he looked ready to leave his place with just one thing in hand, I walked to my peephole and put the camera against it.

So when he walked by I could get a couple of good pictures but as I did he stopped right in front of my door. I quickly and quietly ran away to put my camera back in the safe. I hear him ring the doorbell and I calm my breathing down and make sure I look good. I walk to the door and open it.

"Hey," I say looking up at him. "Hi. I wanted to give you your plate back before I went to work and I also wanted to ask you a question" he says handing me back my plate. "Oh sure of course and you can come in if you'd like," I say secretly hoping he would come in so I can replay our interaction again later.

He steps in and I go behind him to close and lock my door. When I finish I lead him to the kitchen thanking myself for cleaning up. I put the plate in the sink and turn to him. "So what did you need to ask me," I ask tilting my head to the side.

"Well since you made those cookies for me I was wondering if maybe you would like to go on a date with me later on today," he says running his fingers through his dark brown hair almost nervously. He is not asking me on a date right now. This cannot be real omg. He's starting to get a little anxious and I suddenly realized I had been quiet for a long time.

"I would love to go on a date with you," I say smiling at him. He smiles at me. "Okay I'll pick you up here at 7," he says and turns to walk back to the front door. He stops suddenly "I realized we never introduced ourselves, my name is DeMarcus," he says sticking his hand out. "I'm Riley," I say shaking his hand.

"Okay see you later Riley," he says and leaves. I close the door behind him stunned and run back to my room so I can get my camera. I hear him go over to John's place and then they walk past my door so I go to my living room where my balcony is and turn the lights off so he won't see me.

I take some pictures of them when they get inside of my vision but then I notice something weird. DeMarcus and John are in his kitchen but DeMarcus is pouring a white powder into what looked like John's drink. I quickly take pictures of this and them. I continue to watch their interaction.

John starts to get sloppy and clumsy knocking stuff over. I take pictures of this. I turn my camera to video mode so I wouldn't have to keep taking pictures.

I prop it up on the table so I can still get a good angle and go to my room to get my tripod and another SD card. I run back to the living room and put my camera on the tripod. I don't know why I'm so intrigued but I just want to know. Curiosity kills the cat I guess.

After setting my camera up I go into my kitchen and make some hot chocolate.

It's summer but it's really cold in my apartment just how I like it. I head back to the living room and turn the TV on. I sip my hot chocolate and watch TV until about 6. I didn't realize how long I was sitting there. I head back to my room to get ready for me and DeMarcus's date. I wore a black long sleeve turtle neck dress. It was tight and knee-length.

I put on some heels and my chapstick and declared myself ready. I go to check on my camera but I hear the doorbell ring. I grab my camera and just like earlier I put it in my safe. I rush to open the door and there he is. "Hi, DeMarcus," I say smiling.

"Hey Riley," he says kissing my hand. I blush and lock my door. "So where are we going," I ask. "It's a surprise," he says with a smirk. He leads me to his car and opens the door. I blush and say thank you. "You look beautiful," he says looking down at me. "Thank you. You look handsome as well" I say smiling at him.

"Oh thank you. I tried my best to clean up" he says tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. I look out the window of the car and notice that we're heading away from town closer to the forest that surrounds it. I start feeling nervous but I push my feelings down and go along with it.

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