Cocoa | Willy Wonka

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Quick note:
The following will not go according to the movie.

The last golden ticket?!
"Charlie! You got the last ticket!!" I exclaimed.
"I did!!" He exclaimed. He hugged me tightly. "Thank you for buying me this chocolate bar."
"No problem." I smiled at him.

I bought Charlie a chocolate bar.
I used my work money from today to buy it.
But we waited until we got to the house to open it.
But it was worth it.
His lovely warm smile.
"Wait read the back." I told him.
He read the back stopping before the last sentence.

"What?" His mother asked.
"I can only bring one person." He said sadly.
"What about Mr.Joe?" I suggested.
"No." Grandpa Joe said sternly.
"No?" Everyone said in unison.

"No? But you were so excited and enthusiastic when you talked about the factory." I replied.
"I've been there before dear. But there is someone I'd like to volunteer."

"Who?" Charlie's father asked.
"A girl. She came to us asking for our help... but she ended up helping us. She pays for us..."
This was starting to sound familiar.

"Wait, me?" I asked.
"Yes ma'am." Grandpa Joe replied.
"Why?" I asked.
"You deserve it." Charlie replied for him.
"Thanks but I have to work tomorrow." I answered.

"Nope. You will be going to the factory tomorrow." Mr.Bucket said.
"We'll call." Mrs.Bucket answered.
"No!" Everyone yelled.
I blushed.
"Uh I guess... one day won't hurt." I said.

Finally the day has come.
All of the golden ticket children stood in front of the gate.
I didn't pay much attention to them.
But I heard them. Sadly.

"Daddy, I want to go in." One little rich girl said. She was spoiled for sure.
"What do you think he's like?" Charlie asked me.
"I bet he's smart, and funny...and WEIRD."
"Eyes on the prize violet. Eyes on the prize." One blonde lady told her daughter.

The gates finally opened.
"Please enter." A loud speaker said.
We ran in excited.
"Come forward. Close the gates." He instructed.
The gates closed.

"Dear visitors, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. And who am I? Well..."

A play was put on by plastic dolls.
"Willy Wonka here he is!!"
Pyrotechnics went off and everything went on fire. I put my arm over Charlie to hold him back from the fire.

"Wasn't that just magnificent?!!" A man in a red coat started clapping. "I was worried it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part but then that finally. Wow!"

He walked up in front of everyone and I figured out who he was.
"Who are you?" Violet asked.
"He's Willy Wonka you blonde bimbo." I answered her. She and her mother looked offended but none spoke.
"Really?" Charlie asked.

We all stood there awkwardly.
"Good morning star shine, the earth says hello." He said smiling.
I giggled quietly. No one noticed but him. He smiled a little more warmly.
He then pulled out a couple cards to read.

"My name is Willy Wonka. He he."
"Then shouldn't you be up there?" The rich girl asked.
"Well I couldn't very well watch the show from up there now could I little girl?"
There was a small pause.
"Let's get a move on kids."

We followed him into the factory.
"Don't you want to know our names?"
"Can't imagine how it would matter. Come quickly. Far too much to see."
The factory closed up as we entered.

"Just drop your coats anywhere."
Everyone just dropped their coats.
Charlie and I hung them on the golden railing.

"Mr.Wonka it sure is toasty in here." A man with glasses mentioned.
Mr.Wonka took of his coat and glasses.
I looked down to unzip my coat.
"What?! Oh yeah. I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold." 

He's definitely peaked my interest.
"Who are the workers?" I asked looking up to meet a pair of violet and brown mixtured eyes.
"All in good time." He winked which caused me to blush.

"Now." We all started following after Wonka.
Violet hugged Mr.Wonka's waist causing him to gasp.
"Mr.Wonka I'm Violet Beaurigarde."
He had a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh. I don't care."

"Well you should care. Because I'm gonna win the special prize at the end."
"Well, you do seem confident and confidence is key."
"Well. I'm so gonna lose." I whisper joked to Charlie.
"I know. Confidence is your weakness. You lack it. A lot." He laughed.

Rich girl ran in front of Wonka.
"I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you sir." She bowed.
"I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got at the bottom of your foot. Ha Ha."

"I Am Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate." A red head boy stood in front of him eating.

"I can see that. So do I. I never expected to have so much in common."
I elbowed Charlie slightly.
"Sarcasm." I winked at him.
"Your fluent language." He giggled.

Wonka suddenly stopped.
"You. You're Mike Teavee. Your the little devil who cracked the system. And you."
He turned to us.
"Well your just lucky to be here, aren't you?"

"And the rest of you must be their... p..p.." He couldn't quite say the word.
"Parents." Veruca's father said.

"Yeah. Moms and dads... Dad?...Papa?"
Interesting. Mr.Wonka has daddy issues.

Something we share in common.....

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