The woods| Mr.Wolf

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Just. Keep. Running.
The air was cold.
The woods were dark.
My lungs were screaming.
"You can't run forever little girl!!"
Their gonna catch me and I'll be thrown in a prison cell for years.
Run faster!!!
I pushed my limit and tripped.
Everything went black.
Suddenly I felt a warm wet cloth on my forehead.
I regained my sight a minute later.
"Hello dear. I'm glad you've awoken. I have rabbit stew fresh on the fire." A man said. Or was he a wolf?
"Where am I?"
"Your in my house."
"Are you a wolf?"
"Please don't be frightened."
"Not frightened... just curious."
"Curious? How so?"
"Well why did you bring me here? You could've just left me like everyone else."
"Everyone else?" He said with a purr at the end.
My face turned a slight pink.
Get a grip y/n he's a WOLF
"Never mind that but still why didn't you leave me?"
"Well, how could I leave such a beauty to rot in the woods?"

*time skip to a week later*

I've gotten better from my slight concussion and I had the best company to help me. He was a wolf but he was still very kind. Unfortunately I had to go.
"Goodbye, Mr.Wolf. I am very grateful for your warm welcome but I must be going."
"If you must, goodbye my dear."
And with that I left.
Smile on my face.
And hopes that I may see him again.

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