Part 9

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Time skip a week

George pov

Today was the day I was flying down to Florida to see my boyfriend and meet his parents. Y/n and I woke up really early to go to the airport

George: y/n wake up we need to get going

Y/n: what time is it

George: 530. We have to be there by 6 and flight takes of at 8.

She then got up and looked like a zombie, I helped her get dress since she was hella tired. I then carried her to the car and then grabbed our luggage. She past out in the car.

George: y/n we are here

Y/n just made a tired noise.

George: I will let you sit on the luggage if you get up

Y/n: otayyyyy

She got out of the car and looked absolutely tired like she was going to pass out any minute. When we got to the check out everything was good. Until they asked about y/ns last name. It wasn't Davidson yet. It was still her l/n.

George: oh yeah I am planing on adopting her. I have the papers here

I showed the women the papers.

Security: alright you may go.

Y/n was still looking really tired so when we got to our gate to wait for our plane I let her lie on my chests so she could sleep. She  was sound asleep on me so I decided to text dream. And tell him the surprise

Hey dream

Hey Georgie what u up to

Just at the airport with y/N


No don't worry we will see each other in a couple hours


Can you pick y/n and I up at the airport and 1230 your time

Your coming to visit me

Yeah I missed my boyfriend

I literally love you

I love you to <3 see you soon

I will🥰

Then our flight got called I didn't want to leave h/n behind so I picked her and got on our flight.

Y/n: can I have the window seat

George: for sure

I then placed her on her seat and I sat in the middle and I buckled her up. The flight attendant did all of her stuff and we were just about to take off. I gave y/n a lolly pop so she would get plugged ears

George: here y/n this is for you to suck on while we are taking off

She gladly accepts and we are off in the air. I gave y/n my computer so she could watch movies while I get caught up on sleep.

We were about half way through the flight I felt weight on my shoulder. I woke up and realized that y/n feel asleep on my shoulder. We then were both woke up by the flight attendant telling us that we were about to land.

When the plane landed I texted clay (I am now referring dream As Clay) telling him we are here. When we walked out of the plane I was hit with humidity and warmth. It was amazing. I realized that y/n looked like a zoombie.

Young y/n x dsmpWhere stories live. Discover now