Part 3

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no ones POV
The next day after dream told George about how he was coming to London, y/n And George went back to her house. They went back so they could grab more of Y/N things, like toothbrush toothpaste hairbrush hair accessories, more stuffed animals and pictures. Once we got there her dad was passed out on the couch with beer bottles all around. George knocked on the door very lightly and he got up and answered. He was not a happy camper. He started to say to George "You took my little girl away from me "and he also said "you should be in jail for kidnapping" . But before George took Y/N he spoke to the police, and the police went to y/n house and the police said that the dad was completely fine about it.

Once we got to the house I told George to come upstairs with me and help me grab my things, he did and he was very kind to my dad. My dad wasn't so happy about George, he kept saying that George was going to replace him. Even though living with George was a dream come true, I didn't trust him just yet to adopt me. Once I grabbed all my things I headed out to the car, but before I got to the car my dad grabbed me and hit me in the face really hard my nose started to trickle with blood in my head had a huge gash in it. I winced in pain, And cried like there was no tomorrow. I heard George his footsteps coming up to me and a lot of yelling. Before I knew it I was in the back of George's car, with the Georges hand reaching to the backseat rubbing my head and saying "it'll be OK".

Once we got back to the house he sat me up on the kitchen counter and put Band-Aids over my wounds and telling me that I was a strong girl. I'd love George's comforting words, he always made me feel better. After that I realized that I needed a bath, but I have never bathed myself before. I asked George " do you think I could have a bath?" He said "yeah for sure, would you like me to help you?" ( not sexualizing she's five y'all). I said " If that's OK then yes pwease". After that he scooped me up placed me on the toilet seat and started to run warmish temperature and water. He helped me To takeoff my blood stained T-shirt in my ripped pants. When he took off my T-shirt he could see big purple and black bruises all along my back and stomach. He didn't say anything because he knew it would make me uncomfortable. He placed me in the bath  and used soapy water and washed my hair I haven't felt this much comfort in a while. It felt nice. I started to giggle and splashed him a little. He said "Y/N, that's very funny and started to giggle with me".  Soon it turned into one big splash fight with water all over the floor, and barely any bath water left in the bath we were laughing so hard that our stomachs hurt. After that he scooped me up in a nice towel and helped me dry off, he helped me put on fresh clothes and we watched a Disney movie after. ( y'all I just want to clarifies that I'm not sexualizing, she is five years old it's weird, George is like a father figure/older brother to Y/N, don't make the face weird).

George POV.

When y/n  asked for a bath I obviously said yes, and I helped her have a bath because she was only five. When I started to takeoff her shirt I saw that she had black blue bruises all along her body and torso. I didn't say anything because I was in complete and utter shock that a grown man could do this to her daughter. I scooped her up and placed her in the warm soapy bath water set a bathing her and I heard giggles coming from her and water on my face. I thought it was funny so I did the same and it turned into one big splash fight . After that I scooped her up and put a warm fluffy towel around her. We went in the other room and watched tangled. Then I asked y/n if she was hungry and she replied immediately saying yes, I decided that I was going to make pancakes for breakfast. It was delicious.

After that I could see y/n getting really really tired. So I scooped her up and placed her in her bed with her monkey and went to my room. I started to stream and talk to dream for a bit and told the stream about how he was my boyfriend.


I woke up in a cold sweat with sweat droplets coming down my face, I started to cry a bit but not so much so George could hear me I didn't wanna bother him. I got up and I saw that his door was closed so I did my usual thing and I knocked. When he open the door I could tell that he could see My teary weary eyes. Immediately he got on his knees to my height and hugged me. I felt safe. "Hey Y/n do you want to meet my stream and talk to dream for a bit" I said "otay". He sent me on his knee and I waved to the stream and chat was going crazy.

Omg is that your kid

Do you and dream adopt a kid

Who is that

Is that your younger sister

Wait did you get a child

George is POV
The chat was going crazy I didn't know what to do so I whispered in y/n  ear asking if it was OK if I told the chat about her. She said yes. I told the chat everything about her and how she's living with me for a little bit. And I said to the chat I was planning on adopting her, y/n Didnt  know what adoption means so she just let it roll off her back. Soon I heard a light snores coming from Y/n I realize that she was fast asleep I decided to lay her down in my bed because I didn't want her out of my sight. After the stream I was talking to dream for a bit.

Dream. So your planing on adopting her

George. Ya I was

Dream. So would she kinda be like are kid

George. Yeah kinda.

Dream. She is really sweet don't get me wrong, I just need to meet her you know.

George. Yeah for sure it's probably going to take a year or two for me to adopt her and all.

Dream. Ya I was actually planing to stay down there for a couple months if that okay

George. That more than okay. I can see you all the time, and you can meet y/n and spend time with her.

Dream. Ofc

George. Ok well I have to go dreamy call you tomorrow.

Dream. Bye Georgeie.


A lot happened in this chapter any was love you all sooo much. Make sure you eat and drink.  Guys I am not and I repeat not sexualizing, y/n and George. George is a dad like figure to y/n. I would never do that it is weird and wrong. Love you allll

Word count: 1287

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