Skinny Minnie

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My name is Minnie.

No not like the mouse.

But I am about as tiny as one.

I'm here to tell you about my fight about being skinny. 

I don't want you to cry or scare you.

I just want you to listen.


I looked at myself in the mirror seeing that fat seventh grader.  145 pounds.

Turning away feeling sick I stumbled to the toilet and stuck my finger down my throat.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the acidic bile poured out of my mouth.

I already threw up twice.  All of my stomach's contents.

Not only was I anorexic but I was also bulimic.  i know, I didn't think it was possible either.

I ate as little as possible a day.  Nothing more than a graham cracker.

Then i threw up 3 times to make it was ALL out of my body.

I was so fat when i was 13.

Now i'm 16 and I can't stop.

I used to weigh as much as 145 pounds.

I now weigh less than 95.

But i'm not the worst.  There was a girl at school that weighs only 78pounds.

I'm trying to be 75 pounds.

It's kind of gotten to be a competition.  Whoever eats the less wins.  Simple right?


I have to be care full that mom doesn't catch me.

Teachers at school are already asking questions and i tell them its none of their darn buisiness.

So they are starting to stop.

Now I can't.

My teeth have turned a clear yellow and my gums are a dull greenish tinge.

My tongue has layers peeled away.

Uh oh.  Mom is coming down the hallway.

~Okay, I'm writing this because in health class we are learning about the dangers of trying to binge eat and purge.  Starving is no answer either.  The best way to lose weight is a healthy diet.~ -comment vote fan!!!-

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