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Third Person

After Jesse left, Karma, Giovanni, and Chinelo were about to head back to work until they heard another knock on the door causing them to all pause where they stood in the kitchen.

Jesse couldn't have been back this quickly so when they heard the know they started wondering who it could be. Karma tells the kids to head back in the room to continue painting while she goes and answers the door.

She wipes the back of her hands against her overalls as she walks over to the front door.

Opening the door wide, she has a tight-lipped smile on her face when she sees Carter standing at the door with a Checker's bag...

'Jesus Christ' Karma thought to herself as she smiled at him awkwardly, the sight of her face brought a genuine smile onto his face as he lunges towards her, his arms wide open in a hug.

Karma awkwardly brings her arms to wrap around him and uses her hand to tap his back slowly as he embraces her.

"Hey! How are you?" he says using his hands to rub the side of her arms. She looks up at him with a nervous smile and shakes her head side to side

"I'm fine." she says quietly, "H-How are you?"

"I'm great now that I'm here." he scans her face in worry wondering why she's so stiff, "You okay? I brought us food. I got the burgers you like, I got you some fries too maybe that'll cheer you up." he said not knowing why she was acting so weird but if he only knew that Jesse was out getting that exact some order for her right now.

Karma gulps loudly, "Painting...I-I'm painting my room." she points behind her with her thumb, "Thank you but um...Gio and Nelo are in there waiting for me so I don't kno--"

He cuts her off with a grin, "You're finally painting your room like you said you were? Are you done, I don't mind helping you guys. We don't have to eat right now if that's what you're worried about."

"I-" Karma starts but Carter invites himself further into the apartment taking off his jacket and placing it nicely on the coat rack near the door before heading off into Karma's room.

Karma places a hand on her heart and shuts he eyes tightly, her teeth clenching as she stands near the front door in utter shock not finding the will to move.

Jesse was going to come back at any moment and she didn't know what to expect.

Carter doesn't know she's dating someone else. Jesse genuinely doesn't like Carter.

The kids are going to catch on after having already seen Jesse kiss Karma.

Karma didn't know what to expect.

Sighing quietly she heads into her room to see Carter painting a wall that had not been touched yet with the new paint, Giovanni and Chinelo were almost done with their wall as they were too short to reach the very top, so Karma would have to get that later.

She stumbled on Carter and Gio having a conversation about the basketball game that was on last night between the Miami Heat and the Lakers.

When Gio hears Karma's footsteps he turns to look at her and gives her a grin, "See Kar? We're almost done, I told you it wouldn't even take that long." he says to her and nods her head nervously not responding and Gio tilts his head giving her a weird look wondering why she's so quiet

Usually, she'd come back with a smart remark and they'd go back and forth like that until one of them got tired.

Carter was wondering why she was so quiet and not her usual self but Chinelo knew her cousin.

How Karma Found Jesse Again|18+Where stories live. Discover now