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3rd POV:

"Azroooooooooon!" Azealah called out as she stretched on the bed with closed eyes not being able to tell Azron was right in front of her.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he watched her act exactly how the cats he has seen outside act.

"I'm hungry." She said before falling to the side slightly as if she just fell back asleep.

"Get up. It's 10 in the morning." He said trying to wake her up.

"I want banana pancakes with extra syrup please." She remembered her manners when demanding food.

"Do you just eat?" He asked seriously confused.

"I sleep too." She said before a little snore came out of her mouth.


"WHERE? WHERE?! WHERE?!!" She screamed as she blindly jumped off the bed and just as she expected, she landed on Azron and wrapped both her legs around his torso.

She looked at him with wide eyes full of fear. Azron kind of hoped her stare was directed at him so she can leave him but he knew it wasn't when she looked back at the bed, searching for something.

"Nowhere. Clean up." He said and directed her towards the bathroom.

"I'm so going to get you back!" She glared at him offended at how he tricked her.

He rolled his eyes kind of curious about what she can do with her little body. After he heard the door being closed and terrible singing came through over the sound of the showering running, he went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast.

After about an hour, the bathroom door finally opened and Azron sighed in relief as his head was about to blow up because of the constant singing. Song after song. Never stopping.

He looked at her and found her drowning in his bath rope in which she did not ask for permission to use. Her hands and face which were the only things visible were a bright color red.

He quickly walked up to her and held her hands with a frown.

"You should've asked how to use the water control if you didn't know how to use it." He scolded her but she giggled at him.

"Of course I know. It's kind of not hot enough." She said despite her red burning skin.

She walked off to the kitchen leaving him standing there confused.

Focus! She's a spy! He scolded himself.

"Oooooo they taste so good!" She squealed while wiggling her legs which were too short to reach the floor.

"What about you?" Azealah asked when she saw Azron not eating.

"I don't eat breakfast." He said.

"What? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Come here and eat. I'm too lazy to take care of you if you get sick." She said and Azron slowly walked closer to her.

He sat beside her and she brought a fork full of banana pancake and syrup towards his lips. She pushed it against his lips when he didn't open his mouth until he eventually opened up and started to chew up the extra sugary and unhealthy food.

"You like?" She asked as if she was the one who made it. Azron just nodded his head and kept silent as she hummed and feed herself and him.

"Okay. I'll clean now. You... stay here. Don't move. And don't argue with me. Okay? Okay." She demanded.

Azron sat there dumbfounded at her constant demands. He watched as she took their plates, forks, and the pan towards the sink and started to scrub them clean.

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