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Hi guys! I just wanted to make it clear that Azron and Azealah are not mates (because they're humans) so they don't have that mate connection for them to naturally fall in love. Azealah's character has to change a bit so the plot moves and romance can happen :)


3rd POV:

"How old are you?" Azealah didn't fail to fill in the silence as they walked, talking about everything that made absolutely no sense to Azron like how she's Bubbles from Power Puff Girls and how she wants to live in a zoo with all the animals and secretly let them free at night.

"What's your age? As in how many years have you been alive for? How many New Years have you experienced? As in how many times did the earth make a full cycle around the sun while you're alive?" She explained her question in more detail because Azron didn't answer her the first time she asked.

"26." He answered not wanting her to go on and on because he soon realized that she can talk more than anyone he's ever met.

"I'm 19." She answered his unasked question.

Azron stopped causing Azealah to bump into his back for the second time today.

"Hey! Stop stopping so suddenly. Give me a warning first. My forehead is about to fall off because your back is as hard as a rock." He knew she meant that as an insult but she didn't know that what she said was a compliment.

Azron turned around and stared at Azealah's face and then her body for a few seconds. He suddenly heard her gasp.

"Do you not believe I'm 19? I'm just a bit short but that doesn't mean anything! I'm a full-rounded woman with a full-grown brain that's so big that it..it... it contains so much information that I forget a lot of other things sometimes. And plus when I'm in my 30s I'll look like I'm in my 20s." Her emotions changed as quickly as a person's emotions and heartbeat on a roller coaster.

She went from angry to annoyed to thoughtful to happy in just those few words. Azron simply gave her one nod before starting to walk again.

"How much longer? I'm about to fall asleep while walking." Azealah exaggerated while kept trying to push herself to move forward.

"We're here." He said after just a bit of silence and answered right before Azealah can go into another rant.

She looked at the old place and frowned while studying it. She gasped as she thought she knew what this place is.

"Do you live in a barn? Omg omg omg! I love cows, chickens, ducks, and any animal. Except for bugs and insects. How many horses do you own?" She excitedly asked while trying to push the door open so she can see what types of animals he has.

"Listen here. There are animals in this place but no those types. They're human animals. Stay by me at all times." He made sure she was focused on him and made his last sentence very clear.

"Okay." She nodded with a shrug. Although she wanted to ask more about the "human animals" but she saw how serious he looked so she decided to just wait and see it for herself.

"You know what? Never mind." He suddenly turned away from the old "barn" as Azealah called it. He grabbed her wrist and walked all the way to the side of the building before pushing or pulling on something that Azealah couldn't see and suddenly they were going down.

"Azron! I think we're melting." She almost screamed as she tried to climb him.

He looked at her amused for a second before going back to his emotionless face. Azealah could swear that she saw him almost scolding himself for showing an emotion.

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