Ch. 2

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(Time Skip to the arrival of the campsite.)

It took Bobby and I a six hour flight and an hour drive from the airport to get to the campsite. As soon as Bobby and I stepped through the entrance, I was instantly got a chilling feeling. This place looks exactly like my nightmares. There were overgrown trees and plants growing on the cabins. There was graffiti based on Mr. Jiggles and Brooke Thompson. There was also Well, except for the bloody abandoned chipping machine that was left on the side of the trail and there was a ton of abandoned staging set ups. 

As I stood close to Bobby, I started to feel a strange feeling. It's as if....somebody is watching us. Not in a good way. 

"Bobby...." I whispered as I held onto his right arm. 

Booby was currently using his other hand to take pictures of the abandoned set. 

"Yeah, Nicky?" Bobby asked as he still took pictures. 

"Do you feel that? Do feel somebody watching us?" I asked as I cautiously looked around our surroundings. Just as I said that, I suddenly heard a rustling noise from amongst the trees, causing me to let go of Bobby's arm. At first, I thought it was a rabbit or something that was hiding amongst the large shrubs, but then I saw that the figure that came out of there was a much larger and darker figure. 

"B-Bobby....." I called as I tried to reach to Bobby's arm again. As soon as I reach out to grab my brother, I only felt a grasp of thin air. Shocked, I looked around to find that Bobby had left me. 

'Seriously, Bobby??? You don't just leave someone here in a creepy campsite!' I thought to myself as I instantly ran to a random direction. I wasn't going to stay here and allow some stranger get to me first! Even if I have no fucking idea where I'm going, at least it was away from that stranger. Who knows. It could be some vengeful ghost, looking for their next torture victim. According to some recent news  articles, there have been some sightings of campers and visitors being killed or missing in this camp. 

As soon as Bobby and I get the information about our father's whereabouts, the faster we get out of this hellhole with our lives still on the line. By the time I knew I lost the strange person, I then went off to find Bobby. I even tried to use my phone to communicate with Bobby,  but there was no service around here. 

'Dammit, Bobby! Where could you be?' I thought to myself as I looked around my surroundings for any signs of my brother.

 As time went on, it was starting to get dark and I was starting to get lost. My legs were killing me, my body was starting to sweat from the summer heat, my throat was getting sore from calling out Bobby's name, and I soon ran out of water from my container. I was starting to regret coming here. 

There was no sign of Bobby, nor our father. The more I walked around this campsite, the more I felt like I was being watched. Just as I was about to head back to the entrance to find the next rest stop, I suddenly felt an eerie, yet familiar feeling  close by.

 I really didn't want to follow that strange aura, but something was pulling me to follow it. After a while, I soon find myself at an abandoned cabin. This one was different than the others. This cabin was much more wormed down and wild than the other cabins. It also possessed the same aura that was pulling me towards it. 

The more that I got closer to the cabin, the more I heard some strange noise coming from it. 

I felt my heart beating fast and my veins running cold after hearing the terrors going on in there Within the cabin, I heard some grunts, screams, and splatters. 

'Somebody or something is in there torturing someone. Who could possible be here in a place like this? Wait a minute.....what if there's a killer in there handling their current victim. Oh my god! I've got to find Bobby and get us out of here! Fuck this mission! I was not going to have us killed by a serial killer!' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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