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(Not gonna lie I would do that^)

  It had been a few days since Aiden has joined, and he seemed to fit in just fine. Him and Daisy seemed to have hit it off and became best friends, but secretly they want to be more. Coulson and May noticed as well, and placed them together a lot in missions.

  They were in North Dakota on a mission. Their has been a inhuman running around lighting things on fire. Everyone was in their own teams. Daisy and Aiden were looking around the city. Fitzsimmons were looking to make sure no one unexpected would pop up out of nowhere. Yoyo and Mack were talking to people about the inhuman. Coulson and May were looking in abandon buildings. Lily was left alone in the woods. If you're wondering why they're looking everywhere, it's because the inhuman likes to hide and they want to find them.

"If you see him or her, let us know and we'll head towards your direction" Coulson informs everyone

  Lily walked into the woods and went deep into there. She was then launched back hitting a tree and fell to the ground. She groaned and tried to stand up, only to have a gun touching the back of her head.

" shì jiǔ tóu shé ma?(Are you HYDRA?)" A guy asks in Chinese

", zài shén dùn (No, I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D)" Lily tells him

  She feels someone lift her up from the ground. He leans her against the tree so she doesn't fall down. She gets a full look of the person.

" huì shuō yīngyǔ ma?(Do you speak English?)" Lily asks

"Shì de(Yes)" The guy says

"I'm Lily" Lily tells him

"Gavin" The guy says

"What can you do?" Lily asks

"I can shield whoever or whatever I want" Gavin tells her

"So I walked into your shield, didn't I?" Lily asks

"Yeah, sorry about that" Gavin says sheepishly

"It's fine" Lily says

"Lily, where are you?" Coulson asks

  Lily pressed her finger to her ear to make sure she could hear her father. Gavin knew what was going on.

"Is that your boss? If so, allow him here. I won't fight back. I've always wanted to work for S.H.I.E.L.D" Gavin tells her

"I'm in the woods. Southwest end" Lily tells Coulson

"Will they treat me like HYDRA did?" Gavin asks her

"No, we would never do that. We have four agents, including myself, who are inhumans. We wouldn't hurt you" Lily tells him

"You're inhuman?" Gavin asks

  Lily stepped closer to him and lifted her hand out to him, flat up. He watched as a ball of water appeared in her hand, levitating. He moved his index finger out to touch it. His finger went through the ball, and he flinched never experiencing any like that before.

"Lily! Stay away from him!" May yells

  May ran over and grabbed her, pulling her away from Gavin. Everyone had night-night pistols aimed at him.

"What's going on?" Gavin asks

"Are you HYDRA?" Coulson asks

"No, I was given my powers by them, but I've never worked for them" Gavin tells him

"What can you do?" Aiden asks

"Lily, mind stepping in front of me?" Gavin asks her

  Lily nodded and walked over to him. She stood a few feet away from him. He lifted his hand towards her, and soon a shield covers her. May walks over towards it and places her hand on it.

"I have the power to shield anything or anyone. I accidently hurt Lily with one, because it was a defense shield. This one is healing her and not a defense shield. I can do both though" Gavin informs everyone

  Gavin let's his hand fall and the shield is moved off of Lily. May grabbed Lily and held onto her and inspecting what was left of her wounds.

"He won't hurt us, he actually wants to work with us" Lily tells everyone

"What's your name?" Mack asks

"Gavin" Gavin says

"Come with us" Coulson tells him

  Everyone walked back to the quin jet. May had taken Lily to take care of the rest of her injuries. She had sit Lily in a chair and began taking care of the cuts.

"You didn't tell us you found him" May tells her

"I know. I was walking and walked into his shield causing me to launch into a tree. I couldn't answer because he thought I was HYDRA" Lily tells her

"You wanted to gain his trust" May says

  Lily nodded her head. May finished tending to her cuts, before looking at her burnt arm. The burns were disappearing now, soon she won't have them.

"Coulson was very terrified. He thought you got attacked and was hurt. You were, but in a worse way" May tells her

"He knows Mandarin. Gavin. He spoke and understood me" Lily tells her

"Really? He doesn't seem to be a guy who speaks Chinese" May tells her

"Well, he is. He also tried to help me, after I told him I wasn't HYDRA" Lily tells her

"He seems to like you" May tells her

"I don't think he does. We just met" Lily says

"Doesn't mean he can't develop feelings and vice versa" May tells her

  The door opened revealing Coulson. He ran over and pulled Lily into a hug. She did her best to hug him back.

"I'm so glad you're ok. You worried me, but knowing you're like your mother made me feel better" Coulson tells her

"I'm fine, dad. No need to worry. Where's Gavin?" Lily asks

"I had an agent give him a tour. He requested you, but I don't trust that guy still" Coulson tells her

  May rolled her eyes knowing exactly why. He didn't want his daughter dating yet. Lily knew as well and smiled lightly. She began looking at her somewhat burnt hand. Coulson walked over to look at it.

"The cream Simmons gave me seems to be working very well" Lily tells them

"I'm glad that it is. I have to go. I'm making sure Aiden and Gavin are informed on everything" Coulson tells them

  Coulson walked away leaving the two women alone. Lily put her glove back on after applying more cream. May kissed Lily's head before walking away.

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