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  The team arrived at the abandoned building, seeing the door wide open. They all grabbed their weapons. Coulson than turns to his team.

"Yoyo and Mack, go East. Fitzsimmons, go to the control room and see if you can find Lily. Daisy, go West. May and I will head North" Coulson commands

  Everyone nodded and then headed to their own location. Coulson and May went in their direction to try and find Lily. May walked down the hallway and found a door open.

"Coulson" May says

  Coulson heads her way. They both see the door open, but no one came out. They grabbed their guns and headed towards the door. May walked in first and dropped her weapon when she saw Ward dead. Coulson walked in behind her and saw it as well.

"Is he alive?" Coulson asks

"No, he's dead. Lily used her powers on him" May tells him

"How do you know?" Coulson asks

"Look" May points towards the water that was everywhere "She must of boiled him alive"

"We have to find her" Coulson tells her

"And we will" May tells him

  Coulson placed a hand on his comms.

"We found Ward" Coulson informs the team

"Is he alive?" Daisy asks

"Nope. Lily killed him" May tells her

"Remind me to thank her" Daisy tells them

"Anyone seen Lily?" Coulson asks

"Sir, to your left theirs heat signatures in the storage room. There is a guard unconscious outside" Fitz informs him

"Thanks, Fitz" Coulson says

  Coulson turned his comms off. He looked to May.

"Let's go" Coulson tells her

  Coulson and May ran down the hallways to find the storage room. Hopefully Lily is ok.


  Lily sat with her arms around her knees for a while, and no one has seemed to have found her. She heard running outside and stood up getting prepared to fight. The door opened revealing May and Coulson. Lily sighs in relief and runs to them.

"Oh my gosh! I'm glad it's you guys! Are you alright?" Lily asks

"Are we ok? Are you ok?" May asks

"I'm fine. I took out as much agents as I could. Ward was my main priority" Lily says

"Let's get you out of here" Coulson tells her

"We found her! Everyone head outside" May informs the team

  Coulson, May, and Lily made their way outside of the building. Once they had gotten out, everyone ran to Lily and hugged her. Lily smiled lightly before pulling away.

"I'm so glad you're ok" Daisy says

"Glad to see you, Mini May" Mack says

  May tilted her head, seeing as this was the first time hearing that nickname. Lily smiled at everyone as Daisy pulled her into a bear hug.

"I thank you for killing Ward. I hated that guy even though we kissed" Daisy tells her

"It's no problem. He was going to try and kill me, so I killed him" Lily tells her

  Lily held her hand up, revealing the dried blood around her knuckles. Her glove was removed and everyone could see the burns on her hand. Coulson pulled her to him and May.

"You alright?" Coulson asks

"Yeah. I'm fine" Lily tells him

"Lillian" May says assertively

  Lily looks to her, hearing her say her full name, as May walked closer to her. May grabbed her hand with burns and dried blood on it.

"Don't hide how you feel. I know because I do it a lot. Tell us how you feel" May tells her

  Lily looked down, not sure if she could look her in the eye. Tears began following down her face and she began to sob.

"I killed all those people" Lily sobs

  Coulson walked forward and pulled her into a hug, with May. The rest soon joined the hug.

"It's ok, Lily. None of it was your fault. Ward was controlling you and now he's gone" Simmons tells her

"I'm glad that man is gone" Fitz says

"It's not your fault. He's the reason we all are out here and wanted him dead for what he did" Daisy tells her

  Lily sniffles and wiped her tears with her sleeve. May placed the glove back onto her daughter's hand. She moved a strand of hair out of her face, and lead her to the quinjet. The team followed close behind them.


  They soon arrived home and headed off to their own rooms or areas. Lily, however, stayed with Coulson and May. She didn't feel safe anymore, and wanted to stay with her family. May looked to her and saw the fear in her eyes. She grabbed her daughter's hand and dragged her to follow her and Coulson.

  They walked to Coulson's office and hung out there. Lily saw the model of Lola on his desk and picked it up. The sound of a ring from Coulson's computer makes her, along with May and Coulson, look up. Coulson pressed a button and a man appears on the screen.

"Talbot?" Coulson asks

"Coulson, I see you and your sidekick are still together" Talbot tells him

"Actually, I'm the sidekick in the duo. She'd break me" Coulson tells him looking at May

  May smirked and looked at Talbot, then to Lily. She was looking at the man on the screen and hated him already.

"Am I seeing double? Who's that?" Talbot asks

"Talbot, this is me and May's daughter, Lillian" Coulson tells him

"You? And her? You had a daughter?" Talbot asks looking from him, to May, to Lily

"Yes" Coulson says simply

"Back to matters at hand, I have a inhuman in custody, and believe he will work better for your team" Talbot tells them

"What can he do?" May asks

"He has telekinesis. His name is Aiden. He should be arrived by tomorrow. See ya" Talbot says hanging up

  It was silent for a while. Coulson looked to the women of his life.

"Should we inform the team about him?" Coulson asks

"I think we should. So they know without being mildly confused" Lily tells him

"Alright" Coulson says


Who's Aiden? Potential love interest? Maybe...but for who?

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