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Lily sat on her bed when May walked in. She looked up at her.

"There's someone that I want you to meet," May tells her

"Who?" Lily asks

"Follow me," May says

Lily stood up and followed May out of her room. They walked down the halls until they make it to a room. They walked in and Lily saw a man. A man she didn't want to see. Andrew Garner. He looked up and saw her.

"Lily?" Andrew says

Lily glared at him and walked out of the room. Everyone looked at Andrew confused.

"You know Lily?" Yoyo asks

"It was a long time ago. Tammy had me give her some psychology lessons, seeing as Lily wanted to learn about it. I made a promise to Lily a long time ago when she was 7. I ended up close with her and promised that I would never leave her. I then did. She probably doesn't like me much right now" Andrew explains

"I wouldn't either," Daisy says

"So, she's yours and Coulson's daughter?" Andrew asks

"Yes. It was before we were together" May tells him

"She looks exactly like her mother. I bet she is like her mother, isn't she?" Andrew asks

"She is. A little like Coulson too" Simmons says

Lily then walked back into the room. May walked over to her. She grabbed her by arm.

"You alright?" May asks

"Yeah, I'm fine," Lily tells her

"You didn't tell me you knew Andrew," May says

"It doesn't matter. I don't necessarily know him any more" Lily says glaring at Andrew again

Andrew walked over to Lily. She looked at him with emotionless eyes and face.

"What I did, was to protect you and Tammy. She understood why I left-" Andrew was cut off

"Because you told her. You didn't tell me anything. All I remember is that you left and didn't say goodbye. You were the only father figure I had when I was with Tammy. You knew my Mom before and after I was born, why didn't you tell me who or where she was?" Lily rants

"Ok, I didn't know who you were until Tammy told me when you were 17. I didn't know how to tell you" Andrew tells her

"As you do with a lot of things" Lily mutters

Lily turns around and walked out of the room. Daisy, Yoyo, and Simmons followed her. Lily walked towards the training room and began punching the punching bag. The three girls walked in and walked over to her.

"Lily. You ok?" Simmons asks

"It's weird seeing him again," Lily tells them

"I've met him. He, along with May, helped me keep control of my powers and I thank him for that. I think you should give him a second chance" Daisy tells her

"Alright," Lily says

May walked in and walked over to them. Lily looked at her mother as she unwrapped her arms.

"You guys need to see this" May tells them

The girls looked at each other confused and followed May. Lily walked next to May and May looked at her.

"Andrew feels sorry for what he did. Also, it was my fault. I told him about you, but he never knew your name and who your parents were. I just told him that before you were born, that I was pregnant and that it wasn't his. We then ended things and you were born and you know the rest after that" May tells her

"I understand," Lily tells her

The women walked to where the men were waiting for them. There was something on the screen as they walked over.

"What's going on?" Daisy asks

Coulson doesn't say anything and points at the screen. The girls look and see a man on the screen. May, Simmons, Yoyo, and Daisy gasped in shock, seeing what was on the screen. Lily, however, was confused on who that was.

"Who's that?" Lily asks

"His name's Grant Ward. He used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D, until we found out he was traitor. He was working for HYDRA the whole time" Coulson tells her

"I slept with him a few times" May tells her

"I kissed him" Daisy says

Lily looks at her mom and friend confused. She then shrugged it off.

"Why is he on the screen?" Lily asks

"He was supposed to be dead. Now, he's alive and looking for something" Coulson tells her

"Looking for what?" Mack asks

"No clue" Fitz says

"We have to figure it out before he finds it" May says

"Where do we start?" Yoyo asks

"Fitzsimmons, I want you to track him down. Once we find a location, we'll start looking there" Coulson tells them all

Fitzsimmons nodded their heads and headed away to the lab. Lily looked at the computers, as they tried to pinpoint a location. Lily didn't know what was going on, but she knew that she had to help them.

"Lily" Coulson says

Lily shoots her head up at him. He walked over to her as she looked back at the screen.

"You alright?" Coulson asks

"Yeah, I'm just confused" Lily tells him

"What about?" Coulson asks

"This Ward guy. Did he not like it here? Why was he HYDRA?" Lily asks

"Ward has a bad past. His elder brother forced him to push his littlest brother into a well. Ward regretted not being able to stick up to his big brother, but there was nothing he could've done. He was then sent to prison and Garret, a used to be friend of mine, saved him and was HYDRA. He took Ward and taught him how to be a man" Coulson explains

"He trusted him" Lily says

"Exactly" Coulson says

"I heard about your death on television. How does it feel to be alive again?" Lily asks

"It's different. None of the Avengers know I'm alive. I got to see the woman I love again. I also got to meet my daughter" Coulson tells her

Lily smiled as he walked away. Lily followed him as she ran to catch up to him.

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