4. ➸Ƈɦҽղ

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Sorry for the late update <3

Jason took a few shocked looks around on the deck of the ship,which was filled with titans of different sizes. He was so surprised he forgot to hide himself. Jason couldn't believe it. He'd been preparing for 2 months. He pulled the hood of his jacket on, hoping nobody  would notice him and began walking across the deck, trying to find the dungeon room. A few titans gave him odd looks, but he ignored it.
Soon he reached to the other side of the ship, and hoped that nobody would see through his disguise as he looked up and around the deck once again. What he saw, shocked him more than the fact that he was on a fancy cruise with demons.
Upon the railing, sat 14 year old Benjamin, giggling with his legs wrapped around Magnus Junior, who had soft smile on his face, with an arm around Ben's back. They looked like they were having the time of the life. Jason had his mouth hanging open in a mixture of anger? Protectiveness? Fear? Somewhere in the middle. He was so shocked, he forgot he was in fancy cruise with demons, and yelled out
Ben looked up and stared in horror at Jason's face. The the horror became happiness as he tried to run towards him. But was stopped by Magnus Junior, who was shaking his head.
"Chester! Lemme go, that's my brother!"
Chester just shook his head and nodded towards the crowed of titans forming around them. All too soon the crowd parted and their leader came through. Magnus looked between Jason and Benjamin with raised eyebrows and a stupidly handsome smirk.
"I'll jump off the ship," Jason threatened, "Don't come near me."
"I don't think you're going to do that" Magnus replied. Jason rose both his eyebrows. But then furrowed them. Why was Magnus so confident? Jason realized just that as Magnus held out his hand towards Chester. Chester's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Magnus no, please. Please you can't," he begged. But his idiot of a brother cared nonetheless. Magnus glared at him and snatched Ben from his arms. "I don't think you'd leave your brother behind." He smirked. Jason was once again stuck between choosing his brother, and choosing his camp. Ben was flailing both his arms and legs around, trying to get out of Magnus' reach. Chester was staring nervously at Magnus while chewing on his lower lip. "You won't hurt him." He stared at Magnus with a meaningful look. As if he even cares about Ben, Jason thought angrily. Ben yelled out "Lemme go bitch" and kicked Magnus across the face. Magnus' face got whipped back, lip blooded. "In quite a few ways" he said, heaving angrily, "You and your brother are similar." He glared at ben. "What are you gonna do?" Ben smirked "Kill me?" he questioned

"Ben" Chester said, warningly, "don't test my brother."

'Ben' Jason wanted to say 'DON'T BE A FUCKING IDIOT'

Magnus stared at Ben, who stared right back. Did Jason mention Ben was just as stupid as he was? This tiny little bitch gave magnus a smirk to his face an went "Your brother loves me" everybody stared at him, including Magnus and Jason. "And that answers all the questions of the universe, am i right" magnus asked, eyebrows raised. But Ben, being Jason's brother and Percy's cousin, just smiled back and retorted "He won't let you kill me dimwit," and then his toothy grin turned serious, "neither of them will" he said, nodding towards Jason.  Magnus' eyebrows raised once agian as he chukled darkly, "I don't see how they could stop me," he said, pulling out a dagger - Jason not failing to notice it was made of imperial gold - and holding it at Ben's neck. 

Collectively Chester, Jason, and Ben's eyes widened. Chester was the first to recover and almost threw himself at Magnus in anger, but Magnus was in his domain, and multiple hideous monsters held Chester down at knife point and he lowered his head, probably in anger and frustration. Meanwhile, Jason felt nauseous, and dizzy, how was he starting to get seasick all of a sudden? Magnus smiled. "Marry me...and hand me your city. I promise i won't lay a hand on anyone you love" Jason's eyes widened at the tempting offer, after all, magnus was offering him something even the Gods had failed to, but then his eyes clouded with uncertainty, how could Magnus promise something even the Mighty Geek and Roman Gods failed to. Magnus noticed his doubtfulness and said "Jason. I am the son of the all powerful titan Kratos, the titan of Power and strength. No doubt you killed him, but i am twice the man he was," With his beautifully soft features, and charming smile, Jason almost believed him to be doing this for him, "Marry me, and i protect you, Marry me and i let you, your siblings and your city live a happy life here after, don't and i crush little benny's throat and burn down the world you've known till now. Do not test me, for i am fully capable of doing as i wish." His voice lowered all of a sudden, softening, "Do not doubt me, for i am fully capable of fulfilling my promises, and your deepest wishes."

 Dazed, Jason was about accept, without even pondering about it further, when Chester spoke out, "Your no different from dad" The whole ship silenced as if it'd been deserted, and Magnus stared at his brother with a look of question, as if he'd utter something forbidden,  "Using brutal force to get what you want. You say you'll do everything he wants, but how does blondie know to trust you when you've ordered you henchmen to put your own brother to the ground if needed. " Chester looked up with tears in his eyes, and Jason saw Magnus' eyes cloud with shame. He nodded towards the guards to let Chester go, and he got up, turning away from Magnus. Magnus looked as though he'd say something, before the heard a voice, "He's right you know Magnus," Jason's eyes turned to see who'd spoken to their leader in such a manner. 

It was the mischievous looking Red head, back but with a hint of pain in his eyes, sincerity in his voice. He walked through the crowd, towards Chester, but not before winking at Jason, who resisted the urge to throw up. He was handsome, no denying that, but Jason wasn't here to make out with handsome titan monsters. He helped Chester stand and fussed over him, checking for marks and bruises, forcing the boy's shirt of, and Jason was horrified to find multiple hickeys covering his neck. He looked over at Ben who was grinning at Chester, who, in turn, looked mortified, whether at the hickeys, or being fussed over, Jason'll never know. The crowd around them finally began to disperse and Jason was glad. He wasn't very fond of crowds and attention. "Now that the audience has left, how about you put me down kind sir? You've already given your love speech, and you've also clearly been rejected, so why don't you cry over heartbreak, while i check on my boyfriend and brother." Ben mocked Magnus, who gave him a small glare to shut him up. "Jason hasn't responded yet" Magnus replied."

"He'll say no"

"i don't think so"

"he won't marry you or your ugly dick, so get lost"

"shut you mouth before i put this dagger to use"

"You're a horribly self centered and foul smelling-"

"I'll marry you" silence followed Jason's statement. "On the conditions you earlier mentioned." Magnus' confused expression slowly formed a knowing smirk " Glad you made the right decision sweetheart," and Ben visibly gagged. "Y-y-you can't be serious! Jason" he said. Jason gave him knowing look, "What's not to like about his terms? He won't hurt any of my family, me of my city." He paused, " After all, aren't all the Gods related to me somehow?" He smiled innocently. Magnus visibly frowned, but his expression turned bright once again. "Anything you say sweetheart" He purred as a maid directed him towards his room. "I'll meet you in a while, in your room" He said, as he put Ben on the floor, who immediately pounced on Jason, who in turn nearly cried out of joy. Guess some titans aren't as bad as others. He thought as he watched Magnus smile genuinely for once; at Ben's frantic kisses upon his face. But as he was led away, Red Head called out for him "If you talk to Harry, tell him he looks like you..." he paused "and that we should talk. "

As Jason was led back to his room, Jason's thoughts clouded with one another. What was Magnus going to do with him now that he'd accepted proposal, How far had Chester and ben gone, and the biggest question of all, How did the eldest son of Kratos know his older brother, who claimed that he'd only fallen in love once in his 300 years of existence, only to betrayed?




Please vote, comment, and follow me! Don't be afraid to correct me for my mistakes, I don't mind, truthfully, I appreciate it a lot! 

Also, i'd like to clear up the fact that all 3 of the brothers do in fact look like Mortals. (Quite handsome actually)

And If you'd really like to imagine what Ben looks like, you can think of Suga(bts) before he matured. Now that I think i've painted quite the picture in your minds, so i'll leave.

Bye <3

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