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Status report, Mal?" the trio rushed through the halls in a desperate attempt to return to the battlefield. It couldn't be that bad. The demigods were strong. Though as they hurried around the corner, and out the old Castle's main doors, they realized that the battle seemed to be a lot worse than it sounded. Titans of all sizes had their arms up against the Greek-Roman army, and it didn't look like the demigods had much of an edge. "The Titans are strong Jason...they've almost taken down the front lines, they seemingly have an endless amount of titans, While we are burning through demigods like crazy..." Mal seemed to be as nervous as Jason felt.

"Where's Jackson? I want Jackson next to me right now."

"Yes, of course, sir"

Lily saluted and proceeded to find where ever the hell Percy was. Jason could feel the tension burning through him and fog clouding his mind. He shook his head, in distress, seeking to clear his head if possible. Mal looked at him. He was obviously concerned. Jason was not the type to be stressed easily, but this situation was clearly a bad one.

As Jason stood, waiting for Percy, he could feel something was about to go terribly wrong. He always had this feeling in a bad situation and this counted as a bad situation. He saw Malcolm staring at him. And he just about right regarding his feeling when something flew towards him, and he caught it in his arms... "Ben!" Benjamin lay in his arms, looking worn out and exhausted...and he was steaming.

"Oh, my Gods Ben! What the Fuck were you doing, coming here? I thought I told you to stay in the castle!" Benjamin groaned in response, coughing up blood.

Jason couldn't stand it. He saw red all over. How dare they even think of touching his younger brother.

This is WAR! Jason thought as he aimed right at This God Damn army's leader, forgetting Percy, forgetting that he was one of the leaders of the Roman-Greek army, and definitely forgetting that he was in the middle of a battlefield.
He raged through the battle fight, eliminating every threat that came in his way. They had done it. They'd crossed the line. This was far as they'd ever go. After today, they'd just be known as History itself. How the Roman-Greek army defeated the last few titans. Yes, that's a good name. He'd left Ben with one of the demigods, and all his anger, he'd nearly killed two of his own comrades. He was being reckless. He was being reckless and he knew it. But that didn't stop him. When did it ever? They wanted to bring the legion down? In their fucking dreams...if they even had dreams.
He fought his way through a miniature shrimperzella and barely made it. Oh, Gods. I should have brought Percy along.
No. I shouldn't regret my decision. I'm going to kill their leader and then maybe have tea with Hera...I hope Shawn's okay...nevermind, Justin'll take care of him.
With his head storming with thoughts of lost comrades and his siblings, he raged off slashing and killing ugly-looking titans.
As he neared the enemy camps, he couldn't help but notice that the titan there were stronger. They were larger, had more limbs, and definitely more ugly looking. He'd already hurt his arm; it was probably broken... He chuckled to himself. Harry would have been scolding me right now... Then the pain in his arm replaced rage the second he thought of Ben, Shawn, Harry and Thalia. He fought up and down and finally made it to the Titans' encampment. There were tents that looked as though they belonged to the Queen of England. This wasn't good. He didn't have much of a plan. This was a bad position to be in. As he stood behind a few bushes wondering how he'd get away, he heard a rather thick voice. "Where do you think you're going?" a centaur with red eyes charged at him from behind. uh oh. But Before he could turn and slash at the monster, something slashed at him from the other side and he felt his skin rip to a dagger's blade, right before everything went black.

When Jason had eventually awoke, his legs and arms were bound together, mouth gagged. He seemed to be in a throne room. Oh...shit. He'd been caught. But instead of whining over that, He quickly began to strategize. He probably didn't have much time. He took a good look around the room. The room was like a show-off itself. Velvet curtains and carpets. 2 huge doors. One of them looked like an entrance gate and the other might have led to a bathroom/bedroom. IF titans even have those. He pushed all other thoughts out of his head and went back to wondering in how many ways he could get out of the titans' goddamn encampments and which way seemed to be the least hazardous. But before he could have any thought to continue after that, The door which he'd assumed was a bathroom/bedroom or who knows what, opened, and out walked about 6-7 people. Not titans, but demigods. Or maybe...they're shapeshifters, they don't necessarily have to be traitors right? He tried convincing himself....yea...that didn't work so well. He was slowly losing any patience and self-control he'd had. These people obviously knew that Ivlivs could come right back to his pocket if it needed to so they'd kept it within close proximity. His gladius had also been taken from him. These Motherfuckers. He growled inwardly as one of them came to a stop in front of him. He was the only one with a hood on. He pulled it off and looked directly at Jason.

"Well Hello there Your Highness, a pleasure to finally meet the great son of Jupiter," He said as he removed Jason's gag. Well this guys gonna be annoying, I know it

Little did Jason know, in a few day's time, he would be falling hard.




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