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"Katherine," she heard Mr. King say quietly. She looked up to see him standing there in her now open doorway.

"Get the fuck out of here, Harrison," she snapped, feeling so exhausted. She didn't know if she had the emotional and mental strength to fight with him.

"Katherine, I'm sorry," he apologized, looking remorseful.

She stood up quickly and walked toward him at the same pace.

"I don't care! I don't care how sorry you are. You are fucked-up. You need fucking help," she yelled in his face.

His expression fell into a look of anger and a split second later he gripped her arms and slammed her up against the wall. She cried out, fearful of what he might do to her. He had already choked her the night she crawled into his bed, albeit unknowingly. But still, she knew what he was capable of.

"Don't tell me what I need, little girl," he growled at her, his hold on her arms tightening.

She whimpered from the pain, and then she saw his tense shoulders fall. His grip on her arms loosened and his hands slid down to her wrists.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. I'm sorry," he sighed, his eyebrows knit together from guilt.

Her body shook with tremors, her tears temporarily subsiding. He looked so fucking broken, so fragile. She was so confused by the feelings flowing through her. She should be scared of him, of his aggression. But she somehow wasn't.

"I don't want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. I'm sorry," he apologized again as he stepped back from her, his somber eyes staring at the floor.

"Harrison..." She whispered, pushing her body off the wall to stand of her own volition.

His eyes looked up into hers, two brown orbs full of vulnerability and she knew she wanted to comfort him. She leaned in, kissing him softly on the lips.

It only took about two seconds before the fire was ignited in both of them. His hands tightening on her wrists, bringing them above her head as his mouth worked over hers, his tongue swirling against her own. Her desire for him was back after its temporary lapse. She wanted him so badly. She wanted only him.

"Oh, god," she gasped, trying to catch her breath as Harrison's kisses trailed down her neck.

His left hand held her wrists tightly above her head as his right hand slipped into her shirt, caressing one of her breasts. At that point, she was certain she could come from just his touch.

"Fuck me, Harrison," she pleaded desperately.

A guttural moan rumbled up inside of him and he let go of her wrists. Her arms came down, wrapping around his neck as they continued to kiss. He gripped her around her waist, picking her up and her legs instinctively circled around him.

Just before Harrison took her to the bed, he kicked her bedroom door closed and shut off her light. When he dropped her down on the mattress, she felt excitement engulf her. She was going to get her one true desire – him.

Katherine watched him through the dimness as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, discarding it on the floor. She sat up and quickly helped him release from the confines of his belt and slacks, letting his cock spring free in front of her. She salivated at the thought of him in her mouth and couldn't hold back her desire.

She wrapped her lips around the head of his penis and sucked it into her mouth. He groaned above her and she couldn't help the moan that came out of her. He tasted so good.

"Fuck, Katherine," he hissed, weaving his fingers into her hair.

She almost felt feral as she sucked and licked, and took him deep within her mouth, back and forth. She no longer possessed the control to hold back. She wanted all of him.

"Katherine, baby. Slow down. I do not want to come. Not like this," he told her, gently placing his fingers underneath her chin. She pulled off of him and looked up into his striking eyes.

"You're so sexy," he cooed. His eyes were soft, yet so filled with lust as he looked at her.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. For some reason, his words and the way he was looking at her was so entirely validating.

"Let's get you undressed, baby," he said softly, leaning down to grip the hem of her shirt. And for the second time that night, she let him undress her.

She lay naked and sprawled out for him once again, this time unbound in her own bed. She watched as he leaned down and dug into his pants pocket.

"I had every intention of fucking you tonight, baby. I'm sorry I drug it out so long," he cooed, holding a condom between his middle and forefinger.

She smiled up at him, feeling completely blissed-out already. She wasn't sure why he even bothered with condoms anymore. It seemed like every other time they went without. What were they going to do for them now?

"Do you forgive me?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

She couldn't believe the words he was saying. It was almost like she was dreaming. This powerful man – this fucked-up, beautiful, powerful man was apologizing for his actions. And she believed the sincerity in his words.

"I forgive you," she whispered, reaching out to him.

"Mm," he hummed as he dropped the condom next to her and crawled up in the bed, kissing her swiftly. And she felt so incredibly close to him, body and soul.

His mouth was hot and skilled as his tongue tangled with hers. She loved kissing him, but she was so strung-out after trying to find an orgasm earlier that she just wanted him to fuck her already.

"Harrison, please," she whimpered as she pulled back.

He pushed up on his arms and breathed out a laugh as he looked at her.

"You need it, don't you?" He asked, smiling warmly.

"Yes," she whimpered, knitting her eyebrows together in desperation.

"Okay, baby," he cooed as he sat up on his knees.

The affectionate name caused the dopamine to tingle in her brain. She was sure she would never get used to hearing pet names come from him.

Katherine watched as he ripped open the condom packet with his teeth before rolling the prophylactic down his hardened penis. She didn't know why something that could be so awkward was so hot to her. Everything he did seemed to turn her on.

When his vision met with hers his eyes were hooded and dark with lust, which caused her heart to beat just a bit faster in her chest.

When he finally pushed inside of her, it was welcomed – so fucking welcomed. She was certain she even let out a noticeable sigh when he did.

He didn't start out slow, because he knew she was already ready. He knew she didn't want to be toyed with anymore. He just went – fucking her hard and fast. And she was gasping and moaning – knowing full well the guest bedroom was right down the hallway, but neither of them cared who heard.

Katherine came long and hard within the first few minutes, leaving her blissed-out and sated almost immediately. She wasn't sure how many more times she came with him rocketing in and out of her. It didn't matter. All that mattered was the constant pleasure he made her feel. The aching was gone. She was just happy.

She remembered falling asleep in his arms minutes after he rolled off of her. She was completely spent. She had no energy left in her. And when the alarm went off at 6:30 the next morning, she could barely move. But it only took her a few moments to realize why. Harrison's arms were still wrapped around her like a vice grip.

He stayed. He spent the night with her in her bed.

Katherine turned to face him, realizing he was still asleep. But the movement of her body in his arms awakened him moments later. He looked a bit startled at first, but relaxed when he realized where he was.

"Hi," she said apprehensively, wondering if it would freak him out that he was waking up in her bed. But when a ghost of a smile crossed over his lips and he croaked out a Good Morning, Katherine knew they were okay.

Mr. King [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now