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Harrison's hands came up, gripping onto Katherine's face as he kissed her hard. She quickly adapted, kissing him back as her hands fell to his hips, pulling him to her.

There was something dark and urgent between them as they kissed, and she needed it to be freed before she went mad.

"Come with me," he growled, gripping onto her hand as he pulled her out of his office and quickly led her down the hallway to his bedroom.

Her stomach fluttered with anticipation as he pulled her inside and slammed the door behind them. His lips were back on her in an instant.

"Fuck, Katherine," he growled between their heated kisses. He seemed to be losing himself with her and she absolutely lived for it.

She wondered what changed. Why was he contradicting his previous statements about their situation? He should have never touched her? Then why was he touching her?

When Mr. King pulled back, both of their breathing was coming out in heavy puffs, and all the questions immediately evaporated on Katherine's tongue as she stared back into his alluring brown eyes.

"There are other things we can do. Other ways to find a release," he told her and she found herself nodding immediately, even though the wording of his sentence left some lingering questions in her brain.

Other things? Other things besides physical punishment? Is that what he was getting at?

"You are maddening, Miss Mason," he hissed before letting out a heavy breath.

"I didn't do anything," she said timidly, wondering what he meant.

"You don't have to do anything. You just are," he told her, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered, knitting her eyebrows together in worry.

He stepped forward and gripped onto the tails of the button-down shirt she was wearing.

"Did I say it was a bad thing?" He asked, his voice low and provocative.

Her mouth fell agape as she looked back at him. If anyone was maddening, it was him. Everything he did was maddening. He made her head spin.

In one aggressive tug, Mr. King ripped open her blouse, from the bottom, all the way up, causing buttons to fly every which way.

"What the fuck?" She hissed, looking at him in disbelief.

Not only did he just ruin her shirt, but she was gonna be the one to have to clean up all the loose buttons.

Her thoughts dissipated the moment his lips were on hers again, kissing her hungrily as he pulled the ruined blouse off her shoulders, discarding it on the floor. And she knew he couldn't give two fucks about destroying her clothes. Maybe she should suggest spanking him for his recklessness.

While her brain went wild with images of him laid across her lap, Mr. King had already discarded her bra and was unbuttoning her pants, their tongues still greedily lapping against one another's.

She quickly snapped back to reality and began unbuttoning his shirt as he shoved her pants down her hips, causing them to pool at her ankles. She thought about ripping his shirt like he did hers, but then thought better of it. She really didn't want to piss him off. Besides, his shirt probably cost ten times as much as hers.

"Fuck, Katherine," he hissed as his hands slipped up to her breasts, pawing at them, kneading them between his fingers as he went back to kissing her.

She managed to finish unbuttoning his shirt and immediately went to undo his belt and slacks. His hands only left her body to tug the shirt off of himself, quickly discarding it. When his well-tailored slacks slipped down to the floor, so did Katherine, dropping to her knees in front of him.

Mr. King [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now