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Mr. King's fingers gripped onto the sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down over her hips before dropping them down her legs, urging her to step out of them. He lightly kissed his way back up her thigh, bypassing her womanhood altogether before standing up in front of her once again.

Katherine reached up, unclasping her bra, before letting it slip down her arms and fall to the floor. She watched as his eyes washed up and down her naked body and felt his hands come up to cup her breasts in them. Their eyes met again before he leaned in to meet their lips. As Katherine got caught up in him once again, she took the time to unbuckle his belt and undo his slacks and he let her.

"Katherine..." He breathed as his hands moved smoothly over what felt like every inch of her skin. Her wondering eyes looked up into his mysterious ones in a storm of brown and hazel.

"I can't seem to stay away from you," he confessed, letting his vulnerability reach every inch of his face – softening for just a split second before lapsing back to its hardened exterior once again.

"Then don't," she told him breathlessly, finding a little courage inside of her.

A sexual growl escaped his lips as he bombarded her, completely taking her over, pressing her naked back against his desk. She could feel his erection pressing against her and it took her breath away. She wanted this man. She wanted him to do exactly what he said he was going to do and fuck her right on his desk.

He was kissing her so hard, she thought her lips would bruise as he sucked the life out of her. When he let up, Katherine was panting hard as his mouth moved down her neck, then down her chest, before wrapping around her left nipple. She cried out when she felt him bite down on it, which caused him to look up at her with a mischievous little smile and all she could do was laugh.

"Do you like that – a little pain with the pleasure?" He asked, smirking wryly at her.

"Very much," she told him without even having to think about it.

His smile only grew wider as he stood up straight and walked around the desk, letting his hand slide up her body. She watched him upside down as she lay across the desktop waiting for him. He swiftly pulled open one of the desk drawers and dug inside before revealing a condom in his hand.

He must have them stashed everywhere, and it immediately made Katherine wonder just how many other people he fucked across this desk. How many of them were on his payroll?

She watched – her perspective a little distorted by her upturned point of view – as he rid himself the rest of the way of his clothing before slipping on the contraceptive. When his eyes met with hers, they were filled with lust and it was all she needed to fully spark the desire within her. She was ready.

"You're a fantastic adornment to my usually immaculate desk, Miss Mason," Mr. King commented as he continued to smirk at her, walking back around the desk to stand between her legs. She could do nothing but giggle at his banter.

His fingers slid smoothly down her thighs, gripping onto the backs of them as he slowly pulled them up against his hips.

"Fast, Miss Mason," he stated, his eyes locked on hers. She nodded slowly.

"And hard," he added, seconds before he slammed inside of her without warning. Katherine cried out as her head involuntarily fell backwards. A little pain with the pleasure...

His rhythm was choppy at first and she was sure it was meant to be that way. He was testing out the waters – trying to see what she could and couldn't take from him. And she was almost certain he was pleasantly surprised when she took it all without protest.

He slammed in and out of her as fast as his body would allow him, her moans ripping through the stillness of the room. His grunts bounced off the walls as his fingertips dug into the flesh of her thighs. She was certain she would see more bruising by the morning, but she wasn't going to speak those thoughts aloud, in fear that he would retreat once again.

As he rocketed in and out of her, her breathing went from short choppy breaths that made her feel like she might pass out, to holding her breath altogether, and then back again. She couldn't regulate it at all as her mouth hung open, feeling every bit of pleasure he was feeding her.

"Oh my god, Harrison. Oh my god," she whimpered as the pleasure built up inside her.

The only time she felt truly comfortable calling him 'Harrison' was when he was fucking her. She knew he was much too distracted to send her the cool glare he used to when she slipped up when she first started working for him.

"Fuck," he hissed, gripping her thighs even tighter as his body picked up its pace.

And even though she was nearly losing her mind as the pleasure engulfed her, she still made it a point to look down her body at him. There was perspiration building across every rippling muscle in his chest and torso, his arms were flexed tightly as he held onto her, and his face held the most erotic expression she had ever seen on him. Oh, god. He was magnificent.

When her body started to flounder for its release, Katherine gripped onto Mr. King's wrists as he held tightly onto her thighs, trying to gain some sort of leverage with him.

"Oh, god. Harrison," she cried out his name as her body shook for him, because of him, her release completely enrapturing her.

And almost astonished that he had it in him, he began moving even faster inside of her, bringing himself to his own end, letting out a low groan as he came. A moment later, his body collapsed forward atop her, the side of his face plastered against her chest as both of their breathing came out heavy and ragged.

"Always a pleasure, Miss Mason," he said in a breathy voice, and she couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips.

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