15. basement

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Darryl's POV:

I walked away from the beach towards home
I got sadder whit evry step I took...
What if I never found him again
What if he forgot me
What if he has died?

When I got home I saw my father whit a plate.
A single piece of bread and a glass water.
He always brought that to the basement the last few weeks.

He probably had to feed a test rat he found so he coud test poison on it.

But I dident remember that the basement had rats.
I needed to know what was going in there.
I waited for my father to finely go away.
I waited for hours untill he finely went robbing again.

Now that me and my little brother where the only ones home I coud go visit the basement.
To make sure my little brother dident tell my parent I put some sleeping pills in his toast.
When he fell asleep I quickly grapped the keys from my mothers jewelry box and whent to the basement.

Befor I opend the basement I had to make sure the camera's where of.
I logged onto my father's computer
'Enter password'
Ohno...what coud his password be?
It woud probably be something realy difficult...
After just putting rendum things in it gave me a hint.
"Your sons biggest issue"
I looked around me and saw a little note at the back of the computer "Gayf○g0t_090"
I tried to type the word into the computer and it worked I unlocked my father's computer.

I turned of the camera's and went back the basement.

I unlocked the basement-door and whent down the basement-stairs when I was down I saw something I had seen befor...

I took a second to realize who it was
It was zak he looked so different....
He looked like haven't eating in days.
There where bruises on his knees and face.
I looked very sad
I took the tape from his mouth

Was he stil alive?
He gave no anser ..
I quickly ran towards him gave him a hug and started crying.
"ZAK!, PLEASE ANSWER ME!.......p-please...."
"I dont want to lose you..."
"You're the only one I cared so much abouth"
"Please...dont die"
"Its all my fault..."
"Please....just answer"

Zak's pov:

I woke up expecting darryl's father to bring me my daily piece of bread but it wasn't..
I felt two arm around me I looked down and darryl crying cuddled up against my chest.
"Please....just anser..." darryl said crying.

"darryl..?" I ansert .
"zak? ZAK YOU'RE ALIVE" darryl gave me a tighter hug
"I-I am so so sorry for evryting it's all my fault I'm sorry"
"Its not your fault please calm down"
"Calm down!? You're literally beaten up in my basement, I thought you were dead, I had looked for you evrywhere at the beach in the forest at the road"
"I-I thought I h-had l-lost you...." darryl said crying.
I have him a kiss on the forehead "its gonne be okay"
"Please dont ever leave me muffin" darryl said while looking up strait into my eyes.

"Ofcourse not" I said while hugging him back
Darryl freed my handcuffs from the basement but I was to weak to stand up.
So i just laid down and closed my eyes...


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