6. game night and thoughts

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Zaks pov:

I joined the call that everyone seemed to be in.
"Hey zak , these are my friends evryone say hi to zak" darryl said.
3 people said hi one of them whit a French accent.
The fourth person was quiet until they said "so... zak or skeppy how do you look , no no no I have a better question how do your toes look , do you have any toe pics" I stayed quiet until darryl spoke "sorry zak my friends are just weard" then one of the guys screamed "like you aren't muffinfack" darryl got angry "LANGUAGE!"

This made me realize it was gonne be a longggg night

We played minecraft till 2 am then most of us got tired and logged of.
So did I after finishing some homework for university.
As I felt asleep I thought abouth darryl.
I definitely had a crush on him not a big one tho but notice that was changing bc evry hour I fell more for him.
I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

Darryl's POV:

After evryone left the call I was stil awake just like Vincent
"Arent you tired" I asked him .
"We have different timezones remember, so no I am not tired, you ?.
I wanted to say I was stil waiting for my father get home from the robbery but I just said I wasn't tired.
After a while of chatting and joking we finally hang up.

After a 30 min my father came back .
He gave me money for babysitting my little brother and went to sleep.
So did I but I couldn't realy sleep....

I dident know why tho...

Maybe bc of the screaming of my little brother in the other room or the arguments from my mother and father upstairs.
But no the reson I couldn't sleep was bc of Zak.
I just realy wanted to give him a hug...

Bc I couldn't sleep I just whent to the kitchen and made some muffins.
I started decorating them whitout focussing, I got lost in thoughts....
As I snapped back to reality I saw what I had done

A few muffins where decorated normal , but the last one had me on it whit zak and a red glaze hart...

What the muffin !?
I quickly scooped the decoration from the muffin into the bin.
What the muffin was I thinking ?

The rest of the muffins I did in a big box.
I put the box in my backpack and went to sleep.

The next day

I woke up and brushed my teeth , did my hair good and put on some nice clothes.
I noticed that since I whent to this school I cared alot more abouth my look .... why tho ?
I dident care to get bullyd .
I dident care what other people thought
I dident care to get bullyd
Why, why did i suddenly care abouth my looks ?

I grapped my backpack and made my way to school
"Hey zak!" I said happily after I saw zak .
"Here" i took a muffin out of my backpack and handed it to him.
"Thanks its realy delicious" zak said.
I smiled and thanked him
We talked the hole morning abouth memes and everything
But something was bordering me , my thoughts..

I wanted to tell him evryting abouth my parents
I wanted to hold his hand
I wanted to hug him
I wanted to cuddle whit him
I wanted to put arms around him and just cry
I wanted to kiss him.......

I snapped out of my thoughts
I was scared of what I just thought and ran to the bathroom.

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