Chapter 5: Time flies doesn't it?

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Tokyo, 3rd Person POV

It's been, well it's been quite a while since (Y/N)'s date with Coco, One month to be exact, and as such four weeks closer to the competition with Purgatory, and four weeks closer till Coco graduates from Hololive. During those three weeks, the male has done quite a bit: spending most of it either with Coco, and some of the idols, either that or training for the competition. During said period of time, he has also learned that the yakuza dragon would be graduating on July 1; just a day after the competition.

Right now, the male was having a "light" sparring session with both a blue haired, combat knife wielding sociopath, as well as an angel with the grip strength of a gorilla; with Coco watching and cheering (Y/N) on. "Come on (Y/N)! Try harder!" she said. (Y/N) clicked his tongue, as he stepped back, avoiding a knife stab from Suisei, He quickly turned his head, hearing footsteps behind him to see Kanata trying to grab onto him; the male quickly parried Kanata's hand away and lightly kicked her to the ground. "That won't do (Y/N)~ You have to let me get some good hits in~" she said swinging her knife several times at (Y/N), all of which he dodged. Suisei then quickly switched to an ice pick grip, and went for a stab at his stomach. (Y/N) grabbed onto her wrist, and using his free hand he'd quickly disarm the blue haired female. He'd then wrap one of his legs, around one of hers and with his hand, that wasn't holding onto her knife, quickly push her to the ground, his leg throwing her off balance. He then stabbed the knife into the ground and dodged several attempts from Kanata, who tried to grab onto him several times. He then quickly grabbed onto her wrist and judo threw her onto the ground, though he knew she wouldn't be hurt much due to her angel heritage.

He then went back into his usual stance, and sees Kanata fully recovered as well as Suisei with two combat knives, one in each hand. "Of course you have more, why wouldn't you have more than one" Coco said sarcastically, when she turned to (Y/N) she was a bit surprised at the fact he wasn't fazed at all.

"(Y/N)~ Come on now, don't tell me you suddenly got cold feet~" she said in a sing-song voice, making it much creepier for (Y/N), she then switched one to an ice pick grip, keeping the other in a hammer grip. Kanata looked deadpanned at the blue haired idol, sighing and shaking her head "You might be going to far Suisei"

"Nah, don't worry Kanata, this is fine, don't worry about me I'll be fine". Before Kanata could respond Suisei just said "Well you heard the man~" she then ran towards (Y/N), swinging her knives towards him several times, at a faster pace as well; slashing at him, and attempting a few stabs every now and then. The male would simply dodge and parry her attacks, only getting small cuts here and there, though mostly nothing to write home about. Suisei would then lunge forward, going for a stab, to which (Y/N) would simply respond by moving to her side and got her into an elbow hold. As this would happen Kanata would just simply watch, thinking of what to do "Hopefully Suisei can hold out for a bit..." she thought to herself, she also did this to catch a breather and not really wanting to continue this sparring match. With his free hand, (Y/ND would quickly strike at Suisei's chin, dazing her and slammed her onto the ground; making sure she doesn't get too hurt, pinning her wrists as well.

"You forfeit?" he asked. "Not until I get a proper cut on you!" Suisei said trying to escape, to no avail. The male would then pull back on the arm that was in an elbow hold, whilst pushing down on her as well "Owowowowow! Ittai! I give up! I give up!"

"You're not gonna attack me once I let you go?"

"I won't~" she said in a sing song voice. He'd then do the same action he did before "Owowowow! Okay! Okay! I won't!" she said as she let go of the two knives she had. The male nodded and got off her, looking towards Kanata, who was now sitting beside Coco. "Give up already?"

"Mhm, even with my grip strength doubt I could beat you" she said. "Well A for effort though, good job" he said encouraging her "Don't even try it Suisei" he said, looking at the before mentioned idol, who was about to slash at the male with one of her knives. She quickly hid it behind her back, and looked away whistling as well. (Y/N) then sat down on the ground, his legs crossed "So what're you gonna do now?" Coco asked, swinging her legs as she sat down.

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