Chapter 1: One Hell of a Party

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Streets of Tokyo, 3rd Person POV

On the streets of Tokyo, a particular car could be seen that stood out amongst the rest, mostly due to one of the passengers of said vehicle leaning out of the window, looking like he wants to die "J-just let me go Hollis...I can see it...I can see the light" the male called out to his older relative, the latter of the two having a tight grip on the younger male's shirt making sure he wouldn't jump out of the car. "Get back in the car (Y/N), sit properly, your making it worse for yourself" 

"Its kinda funny how you're one of the Kure Clan's members with the most potential and all it takes to take you out of commission is a car ride"  Fusui said looking at you, a sweat drop forming and falling down her forehead. 

"Why the hell couldn't we take the train instead? I don't get motion sick on them..." 

"Cause the last time we took the train you got sidetracked and ended up in Akihabara" Hollis said, before he forcefully pulled the suffering Kure member into the car and quickly closing the window. "Guys...I don't think I'm gonna make it...." (Y/N) said hunching over, his arms dangling and hands on the floor of the car. Fusui sighs and looks at you "Come on, don't be so over dramatic" she said, while her relative still looked to be suffering. "Should I knock him out?" Hollis asked, quickly looking at (Y/N) then at Fusui, the latter for which was for her answer to his question.

"What? No, we're almost there anyways so no need for that, besides I just remembered a way to help him" she then reached over to your head and placed it onto your head and moved it to her lap, playing with your hair a bit. Surprisingly this actually worked, calming down the motion sick Kure member. 

"Surprised that actually worked" Hollis remarked

"Yeah, I used to do this all the time ever since we were kids, he's kinda like the brother Raian never was" she said. ""Yeah, kinda forget that the two of you were inseparable back then" Hollis said looking at the two of you, a small image forming in his head, the two of them several years back when they were young, a small smile forming on his face. The driver, who was also a member of the same clan as the three passengers, said out to them "We're getting close, give or take thirty minutes and we should be there" 

"Alright thanks for doing this" Hollis said, Fusui nodding in agreement. "Its no problem, anything for family"  he said smiling, as he drove the car they were all in. "Wonder what they're doing now..." Fusui thought to herself, referring of course the idols of Over Corp. 

Over Corp Main Building, 3rd Person POV

To say that the preparations for the Welcoming Party was going badly, was a huge understatement, it was utter chaos: Okayu was sleeping, not helping at all, with an onigiri in her hand; Korone kept on biting people's fingers; Aqua was....being Aqua; Marine was tied to a chair, with a sign hung around her neck with 'Horny Jail' written on it; people like Lamy were intoxicated beyond belief; and Ayame and a few others were no where to be seen; the others were doing whatever the they would do. All of this was already getting into the yakuza dragon's head, clutching her head, her eyes swirled and panicking "Nonononononono! This can't be happening! It was going so well! What happened when I was gone?!" 

"Sorry Kaichou, we tried to get them under control...and well this happened"  a certain angelic-devil said, at her side would be the rest of Gen 4, their heads lowered in shame. She sighed, shook her head and looked at them "It's fine, I should've expected that something like this would happen..." 

"Why do you want this party to be so perfect nanora?" Luna asked, her head tilting to the side looking up at Coco with curiosity. This also intrigued the other three as they looked at her, waiting for an answer. On Coco's side, well she was a blushing mess, her face was flushed, she was twiddling her fingers and her hips were moving side-to-side. "". Watame then gasped "Don't tell me you-" Coco then quickly covered her mouth with her hand. 

She quickly looked at the other idols, seeing that they were basically in their own worlds. Sighing in relief, she motioned her gen mates to move closer to which the complied. "Yes, I do like him, but you guys can't tell anyone alright?"  

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