Chapter Forty Seven

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"Ruby," she sighed, her voice cracking. The girl slumped, all tension escaping her. Ruby ran to her and gathered Halle into her arms.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere."

Halle's shoulders shook. "I was being chased by them. They were relentless. I didn't want to kill them but..." she sniffed.

Halle had killed them. A part of Ruby relaxed knowing she wasn't the only one, but the other more dominate part wished Halle never had to feel that. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"It's okay I'm just so happy I found you."

"Me too."

They stood there in each other's arms before Ruby pulled back, a smile on her face, "Halle, Talon's alive."

The girl's eyes went wide, "What? How?"

"I don't know! But he saved me from the hunters!"

Halle smiled brightly, "Ruby, thats amazing!" She paused, chewing on her lip. Then speaking softly asked, "Is he the only one?"

Ruby's heart dropped, "I think so." Halle nodded. Her gaze darkened. "You can still ask him," Ruby said hopefully.

The girl shook her head, "No, I knew it'd be too good to be true. Come on," she smiled weakly, "let's get you some food."

Ruby didn't argue and let Halle lead her into some back room where there were small and large containers of different kinds of animal blood. Halle pointed to a container of deer blood, "This is my favorite. But I think you should have this one."

"Wolf's blood? Why that one?"

Halle grinned, "Because you're always fighting. You are the strongest person I know."

"Wow," Ruby said with a small laugh. Her eyes burned, "thank you."

Halle took a container for herself and dug around for something in her bra. Ruby barely had time to resister what she'd gotten before Halle was shoving it into her hand. It was a tall, paper wrapped straw. This time, Ruby gave a real hard laugh, "You hide these in your bra?"

"No," Halle said with a grin, "I grabbed them from a restraunt before heading here."

She shook her head, "Damn, I wish I would have thought of that."

They hurried out of the kitchen and out into the frigid air of the back alley. Talon was there, leaning up against the wall. When he saw them, his eyes went wide, "You found her?"

"Kind of. Halle, this is Talon. Talon this is Halle."

"I recognize you," Halle said, "from the Halloween party."

The light in Talon's eyes dimmed slightly and he gave a tight nod, "Yes. I remember you. I'm glad to see you alive." Halle offered a tight lipped smile in response. Ruby noticed the girl didn't ask about her girlfriend.

"Well, where should we go?" Halle asked.

"We found a spot near here," Ruby said.

The three of them crept through the city streets and into the woods. They were quiet and quick on their feet to avoid any surprise attacks from hunters or Shadows. Eventually, they made it back to the small cave unscathed. Talon skinned and cleaned his meal, two squrriels and a rabbit, and the three of them ate in silence.

After their meals, it was decided that they would take turns with watch. Halle and Ruby were to sleep first. However, as Ruby tossed and turned beside Halle, she couldn't get rid of the anxiety gnawing at her gut that she'd look up to find Talon gone. A figment of her imagination. Although she saw him every time she opened her eyes, she still feared. Slipping out from beside Halle, she left the cave to sit beside Talon on the grass.

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