Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ruby broke into a brisk walk in the opposite direction. Her vision blurred, and soon she was sprinting. To where, she wasn't sure.

She hadn't realized she'd been pushing anyone away. This whole time she'd assumed that Halle was ditching her. Halle was the only person she truly had, too. There was no one, absolutely no one else who understood what happened that night like Halle.

What was Ruby doing? Why weren't they relying on each other?

Swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, she didn't see Orpheus until she'd run directly into him.

"Whoa," he said, catching her arms, "Ruby?"

She jumped back. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you."

He didn't let go, and those hazel eyes roamed over her face. His brows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, "Just a rough day."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Okay," he said. He fell quiet, watching her. Always looking at her as if he saw all of her. Then he raised his hand, "Come with me."

Confused, she took his hand. She had no idea where he was leading her but she let him, gnawing endlessly on the inside of her cheek. Soon the path became familiar. He was taking her to his office. Her brows furrowed but still, she followed.

He held the door open for her and took her over to his desk where that same strange model lay. She stopped just before it like she had every time she'd come in before but when he saw her, he said, "Come. I want you to see this."

She approached slowly, her eyes trailing to the model. "What is this?"

"It's our territory. On it I have marked the places where the Shadows have killed or been spotted," he raked a hand through his hair, "There has to be a pattern. Some kind of rhyme or reason as to where they attack. I just can't find one."

Ruby shifted, her brows furrowed as she tried to comprehend what he was saying, "What are you needing me for?"

Those striking eyes settled on her, "I'm hoping you can help."

"Oh," she said. She hadn't been expecting that. She nodded.

He sat down in his chair to give her enough room to lean over and get a clear look at the map. It was three dimensional with red pins indicating where the Shadows had been spotted. She saw the mansion and, with a drop of nausea, she saw Red Zone.

Shaking off her discomfort, she reached forward the trace it, when Orpheus's hand shot out and snatched her wrist. She gasped, whirling towards him. There was no anger in his features and his hold was firm, but painless. Something fluttered through her at the contact. She swallowed hard.

He leaned forward, bringing them mere inches apart. Ruby felt, for the first time, her heart react. She'd only felt this kind of nervousness once. But something about being this close to Orpheus, a vampire so powerful and dangerous, made her want to both recoil and lean in.

"How is your training going?" He asked, catching her completely off guard.

For a whole minute, Ruby stood stunned, trying to understand what had just happened. Then she huffed out a laugh and felt entirely ridiculous for where her thoughts had gone. He released her and she leaned back, "Still no progress."

He nodded, a small lift to the sides of his lips, "You will get it."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because," he said, focusing on her, "I believe in you."

She nodded. Unsure of what to say she said, "Thank you."

They sat in silence as she stewed and he stared, unwavering, at the model. Eventually, she allowed her eyes to trail over him. Now that they were all alone, she felt comfortable enough to ask the question that had been bothering her for weeks.

"What happened to the vampire that turned Halle?"

He blinked, but if he was caught off by her question he didn't show it as he answered smoothly, "He was dealt with."

"So, he was killed?"

Orpheus met her gaze. She sucked in a sharp breath. His gaze, so heady and heavy, it pressed down on her. Could she drown in it? "Yes."

She gave a short nod. Ruby hadn't expected any other response but still, the cool way he spoke of another's death shook her. Shaking off the feeling, she leaned forward and asked, "Why did it bother you so much that he did that?"

"He broke my number one rule."

"Why is it your number one rule?" She pressed.

The corner of his lips lifted and he shook his head, "Oh, Ruby. You ask so many questions." With a sigh, he leaned towards her and, with a serious expression, said, "What they don't teach in Vampire 101 is that, when a human is forcefully turned, the success rate of their transition is significantly lower than if it is voluntary. They can come out having lost all of their sanity, or not survive it at all. I want successful transitions, for new members of our society. Not zombies."

Ruby leaned back, her jaw going slack as she took it in. Halle could have been like that. But she isn't. And Ruby was more than grateful Halle had been a rare success. What would Ruby have done without her?

Hidden away in the chapel or her room for the rest of enternity?

"Do you see anything?" He asked motioning to the map now.

Tearing her gaze and her thoughts from him, she focused on it once more. She didn't try to touch it again but instead hovered over it. However, just like him, she saw no pattern. There was no understanding of why the Shadows attacked when or where they did.

"Are you sure they aren't just feeding?"

"Yes," was all he said.

He told her the times that each attack took place to see if that could possibly help it all click together. But she found nothing. An hour passed of them debating where the Shadows would go next. Still in the end it was futile.

She flopped back into a chair with a sigh, "I'm sorry I couldn't help more."

He shook his head, "It's okay. They're clever. If we can just get one step ahead then we can find them."

"And then what?" She watched his long fingers trailing all of the curves and dips of the model.

"And then," he sighed, "we will need to follow them back to whatever hole they're living in."

Ruby gulped, "Isn't it dangerous?"

His eyes met hers, "Yes. It is very dangerous. If they catch even one drop of your blood, it's over, Ruby." She tried not to cringe but he noticed anyways, "That is why we need you. Once you get your power in your control, we can destroy them all."

"But how?" She leaned forward on the desk, her eyes wide and pleading as she asked the question she'd been wondering for weeks, "How can my power do that? All I do is bring the night sky into a room."

His lip quirked, "There is so much you don't understand. One could do a lot with a power like yours. Don't worry, you'll learn soon."

She bit her lip and tried to hide the frustration his answer provoked, "Okay."

He stood, offering her his hand, "Come on. I'll walk you to your room."

Ruby hesitated, staring at the outstretched hand. She had so much power that she couldn't even access. Power that he claimed could destroy an entire race of Vampires. She had no idea how, but. . .she had to trust he knew what he was talking about.

She took his hand and when he pulled her to her feet, Ruby stood straighter than she had in weeks.

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