Chapter Forty Six

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They scoured the now empty cemetery for any sign of Halle. She was nowhere amongst the crypts or tombstones. They then snuck through the trees. Ruby had no idea whether they were walking deeper into the forest or out of it. Soon she forgot which direction the graveyard they'd just left was.

Ruby didn't let go of Talon, even when they heard what they thought were wagon wheels, and ducked behind a pile of boulders. She clung to him as if her life depended on it. She was sure that if she let go, he'd disappear, and she'd wake up from whatever dream this was. He never let go, either.

Day turned to night, and they stopped their walking to find shelter. Talon found them a small hollow in the side of a mountain for them to start a fire. She went with him to kill an animal to eat and when that was accomplished; he followed her for her to find food.

It wasn't until they were leaving the cave that she realized the issue. Ruby didn't know how to hunt. Her time at the mansion seemed to have taught her everything but that.

"Ruby?" Talon asked warily. She'd come to a complete halt.

She cleared her throat. "I don't know how to hunt, Talon."

At first his brows were furrowed, then slowly they came apart as he realized. "Oh," he said. Ruby nodded. "Can you try?"

"I don't know. The last day I did. . ." she wouldn't finish, thoughts of Brock's body flitting across her mind.

"Okay, then you'll need to feed off of me."

Her face flushed, "Is that supposed worry me less?"

He shrugged, a ghost of the charming smile he used to wear stretching over his face, "I know how to fight you off if I need to."

She gave him a flat stare, "Three months of training doesn't make you an expert."

"Fine," he said, rolling his eyes, "then what do we do?"

It was that question that led them out of the trees, through town, and to the back door of a butcher shop.

"It's just a door, Ruby," Talon teased.

She sighed, staring at the door with only the sound of her racing heart pounding in her head, "I've never broken in somewhere."

"You won't get caught."

Ruby bit the inside of her cheek, "What if it's all for nothing? I've never had animal blood."

Talon stared at the door. She tried to search his expression for any fear or revulsion but found none. He gave her a tilted grin, "Do you want me to get it?"

"No," she sighed, "I'm quicker and quieter."

His brows rose, eyes rolling over her and he nodded, "Okay. Don't overthink it, Ruby. Just in and out."

"Okay." She blew out a breath and tugged on the door. After focusing her strength, the lock broke. No alarm. She sent up a prayer of thanks and ducked inside.

The small shop was dark. She crept past animal skins and freezers of meat towards the counter. There was no sound and her feet were like a breath of air over the floorboards. She rounded the counter.

"Where would they store blood?" She whispered to herself.

She hadn't expected a response.


She whirled, her power already readying to be flung at whoever was there with her. But then she stilled as a thin blonde stepped around the corner. Halle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

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