Chapter 8

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The trip to Mustafar takes a couple of hours and we stay silent the entire way. Mustafar soon comes into view, and I smile at the thought of seeing Vader again. Kenobi lands the ship and I look out the window to see the man I love in the distance.

"Stay here for a moment," I instruct, "Let me talk to him first," Hesitantly, Kenobi nods as I exit the ship to see Vader running towards me. I run into his arms, hugging him with a giant smile on my face.

When I look up at Vader, he doesn't hesitate before pulling me into a kiss. "Hi," I whisper.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Kenobi is here," I explain, "My father wants you to fight him," Then before Vader can ask anymore questions, Kenobi comes into view and sees me in Vader's arms.

"Let her go, Anakin," Kenobi demands. Vader doesn't even need to do anything as I gently push myself away from him.
"See? He's fine, Kenobi," I say as I call upon all of my hate and anger. Kenobi stumbles backwards slightly as my eyes become their beautiful yellow.

"How long has this been going on for, Nivix?" Kenobi asks.
"How long have I been at the Jedi Temple?" I return as my answer, "I might have been at the Temple and learnt the ways of the Jedi since I was a Youngling, but my father still taught me everything about the dark side,"

Kenobi turns to Vader, trying to appeal to what light might still be within him. "Anakin, you have allowed her to twist your mind," Kenobi points out, "Until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy,"
"Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan," Vader growls as he grabs my hand, "We see through the lies of the Jedi. We do not fear the dark side as you do,"

I take a few steps back to allow Vader and Kenobi to start circling each other. Within a few moments, Kenobi is trapped between us. "We have brought peace," I start.
"Freedom," Vader speaks the next word.
"And security to our new Empire,"

Vader and I sharing the sentence causes Kenobi to quickly look between us. "Your new empire?" Kenobi asks incredulously, looking at Vader.
"Don't make me kill you," Vader threatens.
"Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic," Kenobi promises, "To democracy!"

"That's not his name!" I shout, causing Kenobi to look back at me.
"Yes, it is," Kenobi counters, "You've just made him forget who he is and what he cares about,"
"He cares about me," I calmly say before igniting my red lightsaber.

I move so quickly that I can barely see anything but the blur of my lightsaber, but Kenobi still manages to block it. "If you're not with me," Vader continues, "Then you're my enemy,"
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes," Kenobi says, not taking his eyes off me as I push against his lightsaber, "I will do what I must,"
"You can try," I smile before pushing him backwards with my lightsaber.

Unfortunately, Father wants Vader to be the one to kill Kenobi. This means that I can't be as involved in the fight. But I still watch and follow them with my lightsaber ignited and ready to strike.

Vader immediately goes on the defensive and Kenobi struggles to block each blow as he is pushed backwards to the building that is full of dead Separatists. The lightsabers continues to clash together before moving into a position like they had never even touched. Kenobi receives the first kick and he flies backward but lands on his feet.

Inside the control centre, Kenobi manages to push Vader's lightsaber into one of the control panels before he gets grabbed in a choke hold. Vader's grip causes Kenobi to not be able breathe. Even though Kenobi is struggling, Vader easily moves his enemy's weapon towards Kenobi's face.

At the last second, Kenobi kicks Vader and is able to start breathing again. The Jedi climbs onto the table but is quickly thrown back when Vader kicks him in the face. Now both lightsabers are deactivated and it becomes a fist fight.

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